
Do you think have a hummer H2 as a 1st car will help me become a better driver?

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I have been looking into a hummer H2 for my 1st car and I can't make up my mind a am very happy that I might being able to have it and then on the other hand I am a bit scared to have it. Just because of how big it is and how much I could hurt with it. But then I look at it like I can't have anyone else in the car with me other than 21 year old or older in the car with me for the 1st year. and I am homeschool so I don't really have anywhere to go. Sure I have way more free time but I don't have any where to go.

So the main question is do you think have it as a 1st car would make me a better driver in the long run with furture car. because I have all ready driven a very large car. and do you think It will make me more a where of gas sense it does take alot of gas?

HeLP i CaN'T mAKE uP My mIND!!




  1. As a long time driver of a large SUV, I can say that SUV's do teach people to drive slower and to be more careful of their surroundings while driving  or cornering.

    However, driving an SUV only helps your perception if you plan to always drive trucks.

    Cars are where its at !   When you are close to the ground, you can drive faster and corner better without feeling as if you'll tip over.

    BTW, the Hummer H2 is just about the same as a large Cadillac ESV or a YUKON DENALI XL so don't believe the nay sayers accusations of it being a gas guzzeler or environmentaly unfriendly,

    My biggest problem with Hummer H2 is that GM is turning away from them. They have started shutting Hummer manufacturers in favor of the H3 and future plans for smaller vehicles that are more fuel efficient.

  2. Buy a car, not a tank.

  3. "all ready", "more a where", "sense" "alot" ... best posterchild for NOT homeschooling I've ever seen.

    to answer your question- no.

  4. Reports indicate that people are less safe in a large car, because of the sense of security that it gives them.  Feeling invulnerable can diminish one's sense of judgment apparently.

    I don't believe an H2 is ever an intelligent purchase.  You are throwing away too much money for too little value.  Even if your parents are filthy rich and can indeed afford to buy you an H2, doing so does not make you responsible towards the environment either, considering the amount of energy needed to move the darned thing.

  5. No, it won't be a good 1st vehicle. It's too large and has too much power. I wish I had your problems...

  6. No it will not, plain and simple.

  7. i have a sedan and my husband has a chevy avalanche (huge truck)  I feel like I'm a better driver in the car.  I'm more cautious and cautious to other drivers because I know that in an accident, my car will get f-ed up.  However, when i drive the avy, I get this mindset that if someone pisses me off, I can just run them over or something.  It also can take quite a beating, so, I think that if someone hits me its their fault and the truck will be ok.  In my car, I watch for people doing stupid stuff because I know my car can get totaled if someone ran a red light or something.  Just to let everyone know, though, I am a safe driver and have never had a ticket or accident that was my fault.  I did get rear ended twice while I was stopped at red lights.  The first due to ice on the roads, the second because the lady was crazy (even the cop said that she's the town nutjob and calls 911 at least once a week for stupid things)

    So, no, I do not think that having a Hummer as a first car would make you a better driver.  It would probably give you the same mindset I have, that you are invincible.

    Hummers take A LOT of gas.  It averages about 15 mpgs.  At almost 4 bucks a gallon... well you get my point.

    Insurance will also be quite high on this car, just to throw that out there.

  8. regardless of your first car issues or spelling problems....having a SUV does not make you a better driver.  I think that it is respect for the road and the power that a car has.  You can text or talk while driving, lose control and kill someone regardless if you have a Hyundai or a Hummer.  And, if you don't have really anywhere to go - why do you need a tank of a car like that?

    The estimated annual fuel cost on that vehicle is around $4000.  So, unless you plan to liberate a small country, transport military items, or herd cattle and livestock, I don't see the need for a hummer as a street car.

  9. lemme tell u something 1. hummers are gass guzzlers and are horrible for the enviroment 2. i think people who drive hummers are insecure

  10. Oh the gas is going to cost an insane amount. You're far far better off getting an older Honda civic with good gas mileage and learning to preform simple routine car maintenence on it. Why get a huge car that you're barely going to drive ?

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