
Do you think having 3 arms would make you better or worse at volleyball?

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Would three arms be a good thing or a bad thing?




  1. Worse. I am already a klutz, why would I want another limb to hurt myself with!?!

  2. Bad at first, as you would ave to get used to them, and it would be hard to adjust to it. But better in the long run. :)

  3. hmmm. Interesting question...

    If everyone were born with three arms, then all sports would be different. Some may not have been invented, others would have completely different rules.

    If you, alone, grew an extra arm over time, it would be difficult to adjust to it, but if you had complete control of it, it might help you when hitting. It would confuse the heck out of a defense. However, you wouldn't have three shoulders, would you? Therefore you wouldn't really have any power whil hitting with the "non-shouldered" arm.

    Blocking would be interesting, and it could only help you, I assume. Although, you have one extra appendage to keep out of the net.

    Disclaimer: Where you high when you thought of this? :)

  4. that's interesting.

    when you get used to it to have 3 arms, I bet it will be easier to play volleyball because you can use your arm in three ways which mean, you are a 1.5 person . lol.

  5. totally depends on the location of the 3rd arm, if it's like coming out my chest, worst, I"d be out most the season with it broken from diving to make digs, or it be hitting the net all the time on my spikes. come to think of it I don't know a useful location for a 3rd arm, so no altogether.

  6. Interesting enough, I wanted to be a spider man with eight or more arms... when I was in college... so that I could block a shot and when the ball bounces up I could use my other hands to hit it down immediately.

    Now I just want to play fair games.

    By the way, I don't quite like "three arms", as it would make you "three-hands"... you know it has a special meaning in Asian culture :)

    Well, well, well, in English, "stealing a game" means lucky, and could lead to glory.

  7. better way better

    that would rock!

  8. Good thing.

  9. idk y would u ask that anyways if ur life is really that boring then u got issues. unless ur at work and bored out of ur trees

  10. I think it would make you worse at volleyball because it would be harder to jump and move with a third arm weighing you down.

    great question! lol

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