
Do you think he's interested in me ?

by  |  earlier

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In history class there is this sophmore in my class named Adam. He's cute and has a great smile. We have this theme song in our school that we sing every Friday. So yesterday, our history class had to beat this other class who was singing it as well and see who was the best out of the 2 history classes. Our class sang it 4 times, everytime we sung it kept dieing out! So then I yell, "C'mon guys. LET'S JUST SCREAM IT!" and then Adam looked at me (and I didn't notice at first) and then he smiled and laughed with me and then I laughing and smiling back and I blushed looked down and I looked up and he still smiled at me for it seemed like 2 minutes. Then the teacher interrupted our moment.. but do you think that is a sign and do you think he might be starting to notice me ?

How should I start a convo with him if he's on the other side of the room and what should I say?




  1. well he did smile at you which is a good sign, but just wait for more signs to see if he's interested...if it takes too long before another sign comes out then just go for it...though you dont want to look needy, so dont stare at him for instance. if he smiles at you, smile back of course, and each time you talk to him you can add a little bit of 'flirtiness', eye contactwise.

    One wuestion you could ask him is ' What kind of woman do you respect?' in a flirting kinda way, but dont start a convo with that question....this is an 'interlude' question, in the middle of a convo.... i really dnt know how you can start a convo though, sorry...

    Anyway good luck with that, hope i helped :)

  2. From the little information you've provided; yes, he does like you. Is he "interested" in you? That's hard to say.

  3. Play it right time will tell

  4. wrong board, delete question and post it in the proper topic, cant help ya sry

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