
Do you think he actually loves me? please read, kinda long.

by  |  earlier

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Well we have been together on and off for two years.

I just had his baby April 11th.

When I was pregnant he ended it with me when i was around 5 months. He partied all the time, he wouldnt talk to me, and he didnt even call me to wish me a marry xmas or a happy new year. I cried everyday and begged him over and over again to be with me but he kept saying no and that if i asked him again he would hang up on me.

I didnt see him until i was like 7 months pregnant cause i begged him to, we kissed & had s*x, he told me he loved me; but he still wouldn't be with me.

Finally around 71/2 months he took me back & then made out with a girl. that night i called him over and over again, freaking out. The next morning he finally answered, he told me what he did and acted like he was sooo sorry, so i took him back. Like a week after that he was back to partying and not knowing if he wanted to be with me. He was hanging out with this random girl all the time behind my back but they both say that they were "JUST" friends. She was staying the night at his apt, they say that she just slept on the coutch but i feel like Ill never know. two weeks before i had my baby he quit doing everything and hung out with me all the time. Now 4 months after; hes not loving with me at all, he never wants to cuddle, and he doesnt help me out iwth the babby. He says he loves me when i confront him about it: he buys me everything i want and he uses that as the reason why i should know that he does. I dont know what this all means.




  1. I'm sorry you are going through this. I hate to break it to you- but its time to let him go. You really sound like you need some self worth and self love. LOVE YOURSELF. Do not allow this man to walk all over you and treat you this way. He is giving you money, and taking care of his kid. There is no female friends sleepin over his house-- dont be naive please!! No, you will never know what they did.. but why would he put you through that? Why make you think about that? WHY DO IT AT ALL? You just had his kid.  No loving you, cuddling you.. and you just had his baby? What do you think all this means? Does this sound like a person that wants to be in a relationship with you? What did YOu do that he doesnt want to be with you?  You should not be begging any man to be with you. Right now your priority should be your baby.. thats it. I truly honestly believe that he does not want to be in a relationship with you-- and this sappy, crying, begging him to be with you is making it worse!! He looks at you as this sappy, crying, begging baby mama!! I dont mean to be harsh.. just honest. YOU have to love YOU.. b/c at the end of the day.. that will get you through everything!!! God has a plan for you-- and it doesnt sound like this guy is it!! Good LUCK! Stay STRONG!! When he sees you being this strong, independent, and not NEEDING him.. watch how he acts!!

  2. idk what hes feeling but hes a father now, hes gotta take responsability and stop partying drinking and stuff. I'm sad to say tho.... I'm pretty sure hes lying to you, most likely cheating. It sound a little weird that they claim they're "just Friends" and she slept over. I think they did it. But hes gotta sort out his life, and if he doesn't want you forget about him and think about your baby and what he/she needs. And you being hurt all the time by this guy doesn't help the baby's moral environment. You need to dump him and focus on your child.


  3. Sounds to me like he isn't sure what he wants.  I understand that you two have a child together, but that is no reason to be with someone.  If I was you I would not stay with this guy, he is just not stable and you and the baby need stability in your life.  Ask yourself......Can you put up with what he is doing?  Honestly, can you put up with it?

  4. The whole situation just sucks. Actions speak louder than words, hon, and his actions say that he doesn't really care about you. He's either taking advantage of your feelings for him, or he doesn't really know what he wants and evidently doesn't care. He might buy you things, but so what? Those are just things. What you need is affection and emotional support, not to mention help with the baby. He may say that he loves you but if he really did then he'd treat you better. Sorry to say it, but you're probably better just walking away from him (and maybe go after child support while you're at it...).

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