
Do you think he is going to propose?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I are both born-again Christians. We believe we are meant to be with each other, and talk about our future together (our home, how many kids we want, our jobs, etc.). He has been making hints sometimes for the past few weeks about how his mom and sister tell him he should get me a ring...I even responded the last time several days ago that I hope we will be engaged soon. But then he won't say anything at all about our future for days. Yesterday he was suggesting what cars we will drive when we start our teaching jobs in the autumn. Then the whole conversation turned to something completely different.

I'm so confused...the summer is almost over and school is almost in session. We have a 30 minute drive between us and who knows when we will see each other after school hours? Or will he propose by then? (I should also mention we both want a short engagement with a small ceremony with just close family).

Help! Is he going to propose or is he just going through the motions?




  1. Have patience maybe he's going to surprise you with a ring soon.  

  2. As long as you are talking about the future, don't worry.  30 minutes between you isn't a long distance at all.  Enjoy your relationship with him now.  He sounds serious.  My fiance and I kinda had a deal starting ~4 months before he proposed.  He agreed to propose by fall and I agreed to not bug him.

  3. My bf and I have been the same way lately. Our 4-year anniversary is this coming Thursday and his mom was saying the same thing about getting me something special. I know he doesn't have the money right now, but he knows I don't want some huge fancy ring. Just a simple one would be enough for me. I think your bf is going to propose pretty soon and is talking about your future together to see if you are on the same page. Just be patient. I know it is hard, but it will happen and soon I think. Congrats:)

  4. He may be waiting for you the two of you to graduate when you are more stable.  Which is smart because getting married now can have a negative impact on several huge things like health insurance and financial aid.

    Just because you are talking about your future doesn't mean he has to propose immediately.  It's great that you two agree on what you want.  Don't obsess over it.  You've let him know you are ready for marriage and when he is ready he will ask you.  In the meantime just keep working towards your futures and you may want to tell your mom and sister to back off.  Putting extra pressure on him isn't going to help him come to the right decision on his own and may force him before he's ready, not a good thing for either of you.

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