
Do you think he is old enough to know better than to say that?

by  |  earlier

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ok, today i went with the boys and girls club (its like a summer club for kids) and i'm the oldest at there, and i barely started going this week, and on fridays we go to the nursing home, and thats where my great aunt is a resident at, and she has this condition or illness or diseas or whatever, when you get alot of seizures and along time ago she had a seizure while she was cooking and her hand got burned so they had to cut it off, and we got to pair up with old people and of corse i got with my aunt and this guy across from her who was 11 or 12 and he kept on staring at her hand and i gave him a look so he could stop it cuz thats mean, and then he said out loud "whats wrong with her hand"?? and i just got mad and i got up and wispered that it got cut off and for him to shut up. he was 11 or 12. i think he should have known better than to say that right???

what are your opinions of what he said and his age?




  1. A lot of younger boys will speak b4 they think! he probably didn't even mean it to be mean. he was just curious about it. especially if he doesn't speak good English. it probably  just came out wrong! Your great aunt has probably had a lot of experience with kids and understands that they're going to be curious about it. sometime the people on the outside will get more mad for a person then the person them self.

  2. yes he shoudl know better at 11 or 12 then to stare or to talk about someone that is obviously handicapped.. especially infront of them..

  3. He obviously didn't know better. Adults stare and point at handicapped people too. But he did ask a simple question- "what's wrong?" It might upset you, but it doesn't have to make you mad. What happened was unfortunate, but its ok. Many many people have physical disabilities. Keep your chin up, both you and your aunt will be OK.

  4. Didn't his parents teach him respect ,that is rude and he is old enough to know better ,he just didn't care.

  5. i think he should know better. at 11 or 12 kids know what is rude and hurtful and what is not.

  6. Maybe he was curious what happened to her hand?  It's this whole thought control that's wrong with America today.  Everyone is politically correct about being un-politically correct and if you ask me it's all a load of B.S. and it's bad for you.

    That's something I would of asked myself.  Society has to many issues about what is "correct" and what is rude.  I don't think it's being disrespectful if someone wants to know something about you personally.  "Hey man, wtf happened to your hand??"   "....ahh, that's a pity.. and carry on with your daily life without being so freaking offended by your own insecurities.

    What if I had 3rd degree burns on my entire body and some kid asks me all the time and every day ..."What's wrong with your face?"  .... "Gods got a funny sense of humor kid.. I was born this way"   ...and they would probably laugh or think I was being serious and in either case it doesn't matter.

    Kids are just kids and being curious is natural human behavior.  Even I would wonder wtf happened to someone's arm or leg if it was missing.   I don't bring attention to it but I'm not inhibited by my own retarded liberal thought police ideals to be hung up on embarrassing someone if I ask a simple question.  

    Way I see it is if anyone is that hung up on their own disabilities themselves so as to take offense when someone stares or asks what happened....then they have no business leaving the house.

  7. Definately hasnt been taught manners and respect well enough

  8. what does it matter what a 11 or 12 year old says and yes he should know better

  9. yea at that age he should know when to keep his mouth shut

  10. He was wrong.

    He should know better.

  11. That is clearly downright rude, and I do believe he should know better.

  12. I'm an LPN and work in a hospital... ... Most people who have a physical handicap would rather have you ask what happened instead of stares and whispers.. .If something is not of the average you stare that is human nature.. ... Sometimes you hurt people more by not asking what happened they feel ignored.

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