My baby couldn't be any better, not to brag, but he doesn't cry unless he is hungry, tired or wants to be walked around if you are holding him still. So yesterday, I dropped him at daycare and he cried for almost 3 hours!!! I brought him home gave him Tylenol and ten minutes later he was fine. I thought he might have a soar throat since I have had a really bad cold that started out that way.
Anyways, his temp is between 99.5 and 100.5, seems irritable, but better after tylenol, no other symptoms, happy, playful, eats fine and still sleeps through the night...he is drooling(which most babies do anyways) and will put anything he can in his mouth. He will be 4months on monday.
Do you think he could be teething? If so, how long does the pain/irritablity last?