
Do you think he liked me or not?

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I really liked this guy who everyone thought was nerdy and annoying but i thought he was funny and i liked him so i told my close friend and we decided we would tell people that someone had a crush on him. For the last week of school everyone was asking me who it was including the guy but i told everyone i tell that person on the last day. A few people found out but kept it a secret including this guy who accidently heard my two friends talking and said i could do better than the guy i liked which was kinda funny and made me laugh. I decided that i couldnt keep it a a secret anymore so i told my friend to tell him a few days before the last day. Of course she told him in our math class and since my friend and the guy sit diagonally behind me i heard the whole conversation but the only thing the guy said was i kinda figured. For the next couple days i thought he would say something to me about it but he didnt. I really thought he liked me cuz my friends said he was always staring at me, he would put is hands in his pants (which my friends would make fun of and i heard that that is a way guys flirt), he would always ask me what i got on the test and make comments on the social studies pop quizzes i aced and no one else did, and one time he walked with me in the hall to our next class and we talked bout our teacher who is really g*y, lol. I really thought he liked me so thats why i told him. Was i totally wrong to think he liked me or not? I also read an article saying that guys might not make a move cuz of your friends which would make sense cuz my one friend would always call him a f*g and other names cuz she really didnt like him. What do you think?

btw im 13




  1. Just continue liking this guy. We have different types of a guy. I believe so, you like a guy that is smart, and you don't think of them as WEIRD or NERD or something.

    We're both in the same situation before. I liked this guy who is the smartest in class but, we don't think of him as a NERD, cause he's also the CUTEST and HOTTEST.

    Well, good luck! :)

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