
Do you think he likes me???

by  |  earlier

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So today in art class, we were painting. We could sit anywhere we wanted. two of his bestfriends were sitting at the same table as me. There was plenty of space by his friends, but he asked me if he could sit by me. Do you think he likes me, and if so, how should i go about flirting to let him know i like him too.




  1. no,he's just being polite and asking.dont turn things into liking all of a sudden.sheesh.people are nice ya just so happened that his buddies sat at your table and so it just so happened that he had no choice but to sit there so he asked you first.its called random acts of kindness which many people mistake for something else.;...

  2. wait till next time if he does it again then yeah it can mean he's interested in you.. you can even joke about it.. be like so i find you took a liking in sitting next to me or something like that.. guys like it when a girl can do dat..

  3. Well, if you're sitting next to him, go for the thigh rub after he tells a joke. That worked for my third wife. Next question...

  4. He likes you, make him laugh.  Be confident and really funny.

  5. It's a yes! He likes ya.

    Can't really give advice on flirting as I believe it's an internal thing and we're all born with it.

  6. Don't have high hopes - but now it seems like he does like you. If I liked a girl I would sit next to her and try to get to know her better. Also, don't assume that he likes you (that will make you look bad....)

  7. i think he might. it could be possible. or he might have just wanted to sit in front of his friends.  

  8. yes he likes you or he wants to get to know you and then decide his feelings. so go for him and flirt with him. smile at him. make eye contact. and just say cute little things. but let him lead the convo and start flirting. when you see him you can say something like hey cutie. or hows your day going so far. just try to start convo with him and it will all go over smoothly. if you try to talk to him and not complely ignore him then thats enough. you dont have to flirt with him right away and get in his pants. good luck!

    answer mine please!!;...

  9. if he told u he wants to sit by u that does't mean that h likes u i think u should tell him that u like him

  10. There are multiple ways to act flirty, here are some of the best suggestions:

    Compliments-Be sure to compliment them in a casual and friendly way on things that are true. Sometimes people will make up compliments just to talk to someone, but that is the total wrong thing to do. You really should compliment on things you really like, so you sound more sincere naturally.Some times complimenting their family or other things they are proud of works.

    Intense Eye-The intense eye is a trick that models spend years perfecting. You must give your hottie an intense stare that is both s**y and mysterious at the same time. BUT DON'T BE CREEPY. Also, try staring at the floor and slowly raising your eyes, looking directly at him. Once you have caught his attention, give him a s**y but subtle smile. You should try practicing the look in the mirror, and if completed correctly you should feel as s**y as a celeb.

    Eyelash Batting- This trick is one of the oldest tricks known to man. It gives you a sweet and vulnerable factor, which guys love because it make themselves feel powerful. Remember to practice this if you intend to use this technique.

    Hair Flip and Twirl- If you want to catch a guys attention, flip your hair casually over your shoulder, twist it and then untwist it, tuck it behind your ears, or run your hands through it.

    Soft Giggle and Smile-According to polls, a laugh and a smile are the sexiest things a female can wear. If you perfect your smile and laugh to be seductive and sweet, you will find some great results. Practice forcing a natural smile and laugh, it can help through awkward situations.

    Magic Touch- You can learn to brush a guy in such a way that you send tingles up and down his spine. Casually tap him while laughing, rest your head on his shoulder if you’re tired and hold his hand when you're nervous; it will give him a sense of manliness and you a touch sweetie-pie, no pun intended. NOTE: A perfect, subtle way to touch him without just reaching up and grabbing his arm or something is to brush an imaginary fuzz off of his shoulder or something, or fix his sweatshirt string, or pick an imaginary hair off of his shirt. Totally subtle and initiates comfortable boundary-crossing in an innocent manner.

    Be conscious of your appearance. Possibly the most important rule to remember when flirting with any guy! No, this does not mean you need to look like a stunning doll. Not every guy wants a Barbie girl. It means that you should be elegant and clean looking. You don’t need to be drop dead gorgeous. Be sure that you shower and clean yourself regularly. You should also wear deodorant, clean your ears, brush your teeth and hair, and you could try to paint your nails. Also, try to wear your hair in a style that makes you feel pretty and compliments your facial structure and use a perfume that smells sweet, but is not too overpowering

  11. um he may but its not for sure just try and talk to talk to him as much as you can  

  12. well ya he does

    if i were you i would talk to him a ton but dont be all stakerish and just smile alot

    oohh and btw if you have warm vanilla sugar lotion guys are in love with that scent

    hope this helps and i hope things work out


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