
Do you think he should be allowed to see their daughter??

by  |  earlier

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my friend was 17 and she got pregnant with a baby, the father stuck around until their daughter Arkie was born and then the father took off and disappeared for 9 months.

about a week ago, the father showed up at the house where the mum and baby (9 months) were living and demanded to see his daughter, but she doesnt think he should be allowed to see her after leaving them like he did. she mainly doesnt want him to see her because she is scared that he may take off with the baby.

what do you think??




  1. supervised visits.... and a demand for child support.

  2. I think he has the right to see his child.. if he takes off with the child he could face kidnapping charges..

  3. Maybe let him see the baby in a controlled situation. Like at ur parents or friends house where he wouldnt be able to just snatch the baby and run? I wouldnt trust him..

  4. A friend of mine went through the same thing. She tried to keep the kid from him, but now ten years later the dad is still a big part of the kid's life.

    Yes, he's a big jerk, but he's still the dad. I think she should let him see her.

  5. i think she shuld let him see  the kid b./c people have

    to understand everyone and i mean EVERYONE makes


  6. i think he should be able to see the baby it is his baby and if he is willing to be a father to his child of course the little girl would love to see her daddy after getting use to him.i would not let him leave with her and he would only be able to visit when i was there and someone else.just until they can build a decent relationship.if he runs away again i would not let him back.Arkie does not need to have her emotions played let him see her under supervision until you or whoever is comfy enough.if he leaves again don't let him will only confuse the baby..hope i helped

  7. seek legal advice. she is probaly upset for having yo do this alone. if she has fears she needs to work on it by feeling safe, her number one concern is the child safty not the runnaway dad. I wish u luck n just be thier for her

  8. she needs to get full custody or sole custody of the child before she lets him see the child.  cause if she doesn't and he splits with the child there is nothing she can do about it.

  9. if she worried about him leaving with the baby offer supervised access, until she can trust him. hes got to understand that the baby dosent know him and hes got to prove himself. the baby, when shes old enough will blame the mum if shes not alloud to see her dad. good luck to her

  10. Don't let him have unsupervised access to the child if she's worried about him kidnapping her.

    He can go through the courts to demand visitation rights, eventually.

    Who knows, he may have just been scared of the responsibility and now he's come to terms with the situation.

    They may not be together, and she may not even like him much, but she has to judge him dispassionately for the daughter's sake.  Don't turn it into a personal grudge and use the baby in a game of tug-of-war.

  11. She should know who he is, but if he keeps splitting, then cut it off.

  12. He has the right.  Mostly every teen that gets pregnant the father splits.  Why....because they are kids pretty much.  You cant keep the baby away from the father just because you dont like him.  He has every right to go to court and get joint custody of the baby.

  13. He should be able to see the baby, it is half his.

  14. my mom was 17 and my dad was 15 when they got pregant with me. my dad was in my life till i was 4 and my mom told him to either pick drugs or me and me chose drugs and since then i havent herd ANYTHING FROM HIM. well about 5 months ago i started searching and found out that his wife and him and been serching for me. we talked for the 5 months and then they flew me to virginia ( i live in cali) to meet him i stayed out there for 2 weeks and it was amazing. i just got back last week.

    anyways if he wants to see his her,,her mom has to make all the rules he should never be alone with the baby if he doesnt like it tuff if he wants to see her that bad he will do whatever he needs to.

    im 19 so i didnt see my dad for 15 yrs btw

    if she feels like he is going to keep coming and going maybe its a bad idea cause u dont want the baby to be confussed or depressed i dont remeber much but i do remeber being sad i new something was wrong when my dad wasnt around anymore. maybe she should just hold off for a while and see if he stays around for a while and if he does then she can make dates on when he can come around sorry this is so long.

    one more thing she has to remeber that she stayed so she has all the rights no matter what my mom stayed with me and put me first and she did a great job i think =) tell her to stay strong and remeber that baby didnt ask to be here and it just wants to be loved and her mommy can give her all the love she needs..

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