
Do you think he will get unsupervised access?

by Guest64339  |  earlier

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I have a 3 month old girl her Dad has pushed me in stomach while pregnant, smashed my tv DVD, spat in my face and kicked in my door. He is being given minor family violence charges for the last one. I live in Australia and been told that as family violence is so prevelent it has to be really extreme and have lots of evidence to get supervised access. Anyone know if this is true - it seems pretty sad to me that I cant protect my baby???




  1. Oh Dear,

    I do not live in Australia, and am not familiar with their handling of this type of tragedy!  However, I believe in the lord and will pray for you and your most precious baby girl!

    May god watch over you both,



  2. You Should be able to fight against him in a court because that should be considered extreme violence because he has show that he is a danger to his child. You need To fight it and not stop until he gets what he deserves.

  3. yes eventually he will.

    it will be a long court hearing but if they ONLY find he has been abusive towards you then a social worker will get involved.

    they will assess his behaviour towards your daughter and if they find their is no problem him looking after your daughter e.g shelter, food, and he is no risk to the child then eventually they will grant unsupervised access to him

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