
Do you think hemp should be legal?

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do you think hemp should be legal (not talking about cannabis) for industrial use such as for making ethanol? if not why? if you answer 'because you can smoke hemp and get high' you obviously arnt qualified to be answering this question. please no ignorant answers.




  1. well, I actually don't think so. if it weren't for getting you high.

    because hemp actually improves your eyesight!! some people MUST smoke hemp as medicine. but getting high may cause you to do unnatural stupid things you wouldn't do if you were high.

    If you smoke weed, I wouldn't mind. some people just get addicted. ungh, im sick of police getting worked up over this. they should at least allow you to smoke joints in your house.

  2. hmm, its not legal where you live? hemp is entirely legal where I am (america). I use hemp conditionar, and I have plenty of hemp made clothing that I've bought at organic stores downtown  

  3. it is legal dummyhead

  4. In 1619 Jamestown Colony, Virginia enacted laws ordering farmers to grow hemp. Similar laws were enacted in Massachusetts in 1631, Connecticut in 1632 and the Chesapeake Colonies in the mid-1700's.

    Even though the U.S. government encouraged American farmers to grow hemp for WWII and had even accepted it as payment of taxes in Colonial America, it is now prohibited to grow hemp in the United States.

  5. Yes. But regardless, the federal government should stay out of it and let the states decide  

  6. FOr all the stupid people who  live in the USA.  Hemp is illegal to grow but not to use-- all hemp is imported

    and yes it should be legal to grow along with it's sister

  7. It should be. It could be really beneficial.

  8. Yea that would be cool, and hemp is legal for purchase in the United States, but not harvesting. Hemp seeds and oil are good for human consumption too!

  9. It should be legal on the basis of limited government and vast personal freedoms.  You're not harming property rights or anyone else, so go for it.

  10. It is illegal to grow hemp in the US. The hemp that you can buy in stores is all imported.

    I think it should be legal to grow in the US. While it is the same species as marijuana, they are as different as a poodle and a pit bull.

    Hemp is bred for its fiber use, and has very little THC. Marijuana is a horrible fiber, and has very high THC.

    Some opponents of hemp production argue that hemp growers will hide marijuana crops in their hemp fields. All this would do is ruin the marijuana crop.

    Hemp is a weed. It grows fast and does not require much water and no fertilizer or pesticides. It's fiber can be woven and used as fabric. As fabric, hemp is stronger and more absorbent than cotton. It's downside is that it is not as soft and may trap strong odors. I wouldn't want hemp underwear or socks, for example, but there's nothing wrong with hemp jeans or t-shirts. It's fiber can also be plaited and used as a strong rope.

    I support growing hemp for textile use, but I don't think ethanol is the way to go. As the production of corn ethanol has shown, it does little to lower the price of gas, while increasing dramatically the price of food.

    Of course, as the other answers have shown, the vast majority of Americans do not know there is a difference between hemp and marijuana. Therefore, any politician who votes to allow it will quickly be replaced.

  11. Hemp should be legal, and is legal.  If isn't legal, how does the local antiques and oddities story get away with selling hemp rope jewelry?

  12. It grows from the earth... you can make paper out of it, clothes, shoes... in fact, it could replace wood in a lot of applications (from industrial hemp a strong fiber is produced), saving trees.  

    It always helps cancer patients, and many other patients as well.  It can't hurt you, or damage your brain, like alcohol can.

    It always has all 3 omegas...

    But salvia is legal?

  13. The problem with allowing hemp to be grown is simple.  Farmers would use it to camouflage marijuana plants.  Think this is silly?  All it takes is an organized planting map, perhaps some markers in the field and BINGO-a quick profit on illegal drugs.

  14. no it should not be  

  15. It isn't? Where do you live?

  16. Growing hemp is legal, but those who want to be licensed to grow it have to go through a lot of red tape.  That is because hemp is sp closely related to cannabis that it is often difficult to tell the difference, making it easy to grow marijuana while growing the hemp.

    Hemp does not have a high enough sugar content to be used for ethanol, but it certainly does have many other legitimate uses.

  17. that's not true u cant smoke hemp lol and get high

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