
Do you think high gas prices can be a blessing in disguise?

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Am I the only one that thinks high gas prices are truly a blessing in disguise? Sure we may be paying more but look at all the benefits. Consumers are now demanding fuel efficient cars, alternative energy sources are being seriously researched, people are driving less, the freeways are less crowded, etc.

We ARE going to run out of oil eventually so do we want to figure out a solution now or wait until it's too late. Every time I fill up my tank I consider it an investment toward the future and I don't mind sacrificing if it means a brighter future for my kids.




  1. I do think in many ways it's a good thing because it causes people to think about the choices they are making since it's more so impacting their wallets now w/ gas prices continuing to rise. Additionally, it's great because it means that folks will be alot more interested in hybrid cars and alternative fuel vehicals which will drive the auto market to make more of these for the consumer - which means prices will go down and soon most of us will be able to afford hybrid or electric cars. However, it still sucks because oil companies are making record profits from raping the land and the people who have come to rely on this resource. can only avoid using your car for so long so eventually you have to pay up...and the price of public transportation continues to rise so sometimes you wonder if you're saving any money at all since it takes longer to get to work and sometimes costs the same or more to get to work than if you were driving. So, that's the difficulty. I wish the government would give more incentives to those that are willing to ditch the car and take public trans - that would be nice and would help alot.

  2. You're actually right about that.

  3. not really. this corruption has been happenng since 2000 when the greenhouse gases became a problem. The "war" against global warming has started a long-*** time ago, but now it just has gotten more agressive lately thanks to fuel and the other disasterous stuff goin on right now.

  4. h**l YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It forces people to do something they havent had to do in a long time THINK!  Think about cutting back on nonsense like long trips, buying SUVs and mudtrucks, going out every nite just to be seen etc... I LOVE HIGH GAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Good points you raise.

  6. a friend of mine and I sat on the beach last week and discussed this at length...

    Yes, it is...because people are finding alternative means of getting around and supposedly there is more of an interest for companies to create more efficient means of transportation. Mass transit systems will be utilized more etc...


    NO, the price of goods sold is rising you might have noticed when you last went to the grocery store, we do not eat locally we eat food from around the world put onto vessels and trucks that use oil,  this is creating a inflationary environment. we will find more oil, right now we are not yet in a crisis because we are not actually out of oil. they will bandaid the situation and we the prices will stabilize until the world runs out of oil.  

    Also look at the poor that must drive to work, they will probably go hungry and fill their tank than to risk losing their jobs and they will not be able to afford a new technology car with better gas mileage.

  7. Just keep on thinking that way.Mean time I'll keep burning legal WVO,and have money to feed my family.

  8. I concur somewhat, I never thought the blessing was a disguise.

    It does force a throwback to the conservative and simple lifestyle of our grandparents, who never would have imagined consuming half as much as modern humans.

    It's a function of the market correcting itself toward a long-term beneficial solution, the hallmark of any sentient organism.

    I moved back into town so I see my friends more often, I ride a bike much more often so I'm healthier, and I can spend more on quality and less on quantity because I don't need as much.

    Money talks, always has.

  9. LOL, I literally thought I was the only one.  Now I have excuses for not going out after work, and just driving around.  But yes, I do believe that the high gas prices are blessings in disguise.

  10. Heck no, I was working on getting better gas mileage when gas was cheaper and raising these prices is just hurting my family.

  11. Yes, I agree with you 100%.

  12. These are things people should be doing anyway. If you ask me, I'd say the fuel prices are more like a slap to the face that many people needed to take the steps to conserve.

  13. Yeah, I do think there is a plus side to the raise in gas prices.  People are more likely to walk, less willing to use drive-in, use bikes more, and be cautious at how they spend their money.  But then again it is hurting the people who honestly rely on car transportation and don't make a lot of money.

  14. The demand for cleaner fulels and fuel-efficient cars, and more people taking public tranist is  is a blessing in disguise.

    Higher costs of bills due to higher fuel costs is not. i.e. there is a fuel surcharge on my water bill from Hinckley Springs. I use a wheelchair and can't lug water in. There are chemicals in the water and residue from pills that people flush down the drain in the water even though it is filtered. I prfer natural water--for me, that is spring water.  I use Mountain Valley and order it in 5 gallon glass, not plastic.

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