
Do you think hockey is better off with or without the Ice Girls?

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Do you think hockey is better off with or without the Ice Girls?




  1. I think it is better with Ice Girls.  That's about as close as you can get to cheerleaders for an ice sport.

  2. Without Puck Bunnies is even better!

  3. if there has to be these long breaks in the game for TV ads, might as well watch some cute girls skate around in skimpy outfits as anything else

  4. Without...They serve no purpose.  Hockey doesn't need "cheerleaders".

  5. without, i hate them!!! ( im gagging)

  6. With.

    You know, if they were dancing around, obstructing my view during the game, I would have a real problem with that. I came to see hockey, not T&A.

    Having said that, there's nothing wrong with a little eye candy during breaks in play. s*x sells, and anything that helps sell hockey tickets is a good thing in the NHL as it is today.

    All these women that are so up in arms against it are probably the same ones that couldn't make the cheerleading squad in high school, and still hold a grudge. Either that, or they've caught their husbands watching a little too closely!

    (EDIT) Goaliemom - jeez... how do you know they are "s***s"? Just because someone wears a certain uniform for work doesn't say anything about how sexually active they are. Grow up already.

    (EDIT2) Oh, Goaliemom, I get it. Volleyball, basketball, softball... you musta been one of those "big boned" girls. Way to go, slugger.

    I'm not going to claim that cheerleading is a sport, although it is quite physically demanding, and has it's share of serious injuries.

    Anyhow, just because you weren't one of the "popular girls" in high school doesn't mean you have to still carry a grudge 20 years later.

    I'm not defending (or condemning) cheerleaders, I just think it was a huge generalization on your part to claim that all ice girls are "s***s". If you can make money by simply being attractive, why wouldn't you? It's easy cash for an easy job. It's not like they're out there performing s*x acts.

    Enjoy your evening.

  7. At the risk of sounding old...the game should be the thing.  I've never understood the whole cheergirls/ice girls thing.  I've no issue with attractive young women, but not 'ice girls' at hockey games.

  8. Without

  9. Hockey is perfect without them, but they seem to be sticking around so there must be something good about it.

  10. I love em. Heck, I love any girl associated with hockey!

  11. I'm on the fence - sort of. While I will always appreciate the sight of an attractive female, I do think that what they do with the excess shavings is important. But the showbiz way they are presented reminds me of football cheerleaders. And when I played football, I only noticed them maybe 2% of the time, and as a viewer of the game, I only see them when the TV shows them.

  12. A friend of mine (we go to the same school) is an Ice Girl with our local team, so I don't mind it. It's one thing to see cheerleaders at a football game, in hockey I find them more attractive. Connections with this woman have allowed me to participate several times in between-period entertainment, and even get a youth jersey (which was the promotion one night) for my niece even though she was unable to get to the game.

    I also like the IceGirls because our local CHL team didn't play very well this year, and therefore they were better entertainment some nights :{ :} (don't know if that's good or bad haha)

    oi Avsgirl .. thought you were more open minded than to assume that skimpy-dressed women are .. (having a blonde moment and can't remember what you called them lol)

    For the record ya'll, the senorita I know is NOT a puckbunny.

  13. WITHOUT!

    any girl who would skate around in front of thousands of people with skimpy outfits on is trash. what are they out there for anyway?

  14. i don't have a problem with them, actually lol

    HEAR ME OUT THOUGH! I'm not sure about other teams because the camera rarely shows the girls, but i know that the penguins girls don't dress in skimpy outfits. They were shirts that end about like, an inch away from their belly button and they wear pants.. so if they wore skimpy S****y outfits i probably would.. but since they aren't flaunting much it's cool for me.

  15. Without! They are a waste. The game is exciting enough. Why are they there? Give me strippers or nothing at all!!!!!

  16. without. they are annoying and S****y and wear to much makeup. i don't care if other sports have cheerleaders and everyone loves them, hockey is a way different sport. its more intense and ice girls don't really fit. i could see how islander fans love them cause thats pretty much why the go to the coliseum but other teams that actually can sell out an arena don't need them. they are so S****y, when they clean the ice they bend down so far that you can see up their skirts-what the h**l is that? you are that desperate? their parents must be so proud

  17. I might not be the best person to answer this one, I chose my alias because it suits me!  

    I cringe when I see 'circus' stuff coming in to hockey - I got into it because of the great skills of the players, plus they can do it all on skates...awesome.  I thought that most sports where you get off the field to let someone take over were a bit wussy - until I saw how the sweat was STILL dripping off a player during his intermission interview.  

    Maybe the young guys like 'ice girls' - personally I think it's a bit tacky, and one (huge) step down the slippery slope to cheerleaders.  I also don't like the big plastic things, like the Shark, even the Octopus.

  18. I don't see the point since they can't be on the ice during a game (like the cheerleaders are during a football game, nearby the play).  At Sharks games the girls really just hand out stuff during the promotional stuff during intermissions, which I think is fine.  but I don't see a place for cheerleading in hockey, the game is too fast and the breaks shorter.

  19. Hmm, do you thin the world would be better or worse off without trampy, S****y girls? Well, idk, but it sure seems to me that it would be better to not have ice girls. I mean, what good do they do, other then get a bunch of guys to ogle them? Hockey is not about that, and I think that having ice girls around really cheapens an arena.

  20. Without! They're so annoying. If their job is supposed to be to clear out the crease or whatever, why are the skimpy little outfits necessary?

  21. Without. There are no cheerleaders in hockey. "Get that pompom out of my face the play is going on". I actually had to say that to one   They need to go far away

    d**k Cancer: I am a current ice hockey player myself. I am very girly. Do you even realize that hockey is the one sport out there attended by more women than men on average? We don't want the bimbos in our faces. They can't dance, they don't look pretty and really are a waste of money and space. The sponsors could come up with something much better than them  Almost 100 years of hockey without them So we sure in the heck don't need them now. When we have the male equivalent out there dancing around in the same kind of skimpy outfit. Then it would be cool. Will you volunteer?

  22. damm you women have your panties in a bunch

    a s**t you say. you make them that way.. your all s***s in each others eyes.   i bet if it was your kid you would encourage their career even if this was it

    i like chicks and whatever the teams want is cool

  23. Hockey had a long tradition before them s***s entered it.....I say get rid of the bytches and leave cheerleading to those other sports that need them like football.   A true hockey fan does NOT need cheerleaders - they can yell perfectly fine by themselves.

    (EDIT) Actually d**k cancer, I was too busy playing real sports (volleyball, basketball & softball) in high school to deal with cheerleading.

  24. Without.  Fans pay to watch the game, not some little bimbos waving pompoms.

  25. why are there ice girls, and what is their purpose?

  26. Without. They tried actual cheerleaders in the stands (I remember the 'Canes having them), and that didn't work so they went to cute girls shovelling snow in tight outfits. What's the point in that? The ACC still has old, balding guys in smocks to clean up the snow though.

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