
Do you think home school is a good idea?

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Do you think home school is a good idea for a child who has problems with strange adults?

I really want to go to home school, but my dad would have to see me everyday all day. He hates that idea. My grades are terrible in public school. Everything there is hurry hurry rush rush!!!

Help convincing father, my mom is totally fine with the idea.




  1. Have you thought about independent studies or such as showing your dad that is frustrating for you to go in  a public school........i think the best way for you to convince your dad to let you be homeschooled because there are people and tutors that can help you but you really do not want to miss your high school years you'll regret and there will be people who can help you

    i hope this works out with you and your father


  2. Ask for a compromise. Ask to do it for the rest of the year and do an on line curriculum (so dad doesn't have to be right over you  to teach). But if your grades don't improve or if anyone doesn't like the home schooling then you need to agree to go back to school the next year. That way you and your parents can try it out and see what works best. You may find that dad learns to love it (as my husband did) or that you can't stand it because your bored (after all you are used to the public system) God Bless and Good Luck

  3. I think it's a great idea!

    Here's some information you can share with your father:

    Good luck!

  4. Home schooling isn't a good idea. But many have had jobs at home. Is this what you want is to avoid the society of life? Who shops for your clothes? Do you go to the movies? Where do you go to eat out? Do you have any friends? I ask these questions in hopes you're not planning to become a Hermit for the rest of your life. Home schooling is a method to avoid the realistic of life. Who will grade your work? How will it benefit you if you don't have any college plans? I guess what I am trying to say is when it's time for you to get a job how will you survive? As for the dad issue he may feel like you're invading his space. Is your dad self employed? Unless he does bad things while your mom is gone or the children are gone. There's more to this story that you cannot express. A parent would be reluctant to place their child in home schooling. It doesn't allow a child to learn respect, responsibility, morals, values, leadership, friendship, peer pressure or problem solving. If you have bad grades going into home schooling isn't going to make the grades get any better. I feel home schooling is a lazy way out of getting an solid education. A child/student is in school for about 4-5 hours so what will home schooling provide besides lesser hours. I just don't understand the concept of home schooling. I can see if a child/student is terminally ill and wants to accomplish a diploma before they die would be a good reason for home schooling. I can see if a person was tramatically raped and home schooling would be suitable for them. I can see if a person was recoverying from a bad car accident and was bed ridden which causes them not to be able to move around so I can see home schooling use for it. There's better concepts or reasons for home schooling. Poor grades is an unacceptable reason therefore, the school district does have tutors to provide to all students who have failing grades. I just feel you need to seek more help with this issue.

  5. I am so sorry your dad doesn't like the idea of being with you more.  That must really, really hurt.   I have a suggestion for a book that might be very helpful to you and your family.  Hope it helps.  Be well and let us know what happens.

  6. home school is fine here are some considerations to put to thought

    you would never be late or miss a day of school

    if you dont behave you have detention and u r grounded

    no field trips

    no friends

    but if you are willing to do this it would be fine tell your dad all these things that i have listed above it will be good to him then tell him that the good grades you will get might mean a scholarship to collage

  7. Actually one of the greatest benefits of Homeschooling is having a closer relationship between parents and their children. Ask your Dad who would be the best role model for you: the kid's in school, or him? Ask him if he thinks kids do better when the teacher really cares about the student's success and whether he would care more than a teacher.

  8. Lot's of nice answers here. Really, your grades will improve. There is no rush (at least with my program). If I don't understand something, I can spend more time on it. If I understand something, I don't have to sit at school and listen to the teacher explain it to people who don't understand. I think your grades will improve.

    Dragonfly said that homeschooling is a bad idea because of lack of socialization. But school is not the only place were you can interact with people. The reason some people become less social is probably because they mope about not being with familiar people. So they don't feel like going to homeschool outings hosted by homeschool programs or volunteer somewhere. You can socialize with relatives as well.

    I wish you good luck and hope homeschooling works for you.

  9. Honestly, I am against home schoolign. If you have a problem with public school, would might want to look into a private school. Before you outrule private school because of tuition, know thta there are many organizations that could defray the cost. Private schools generally are better than public schools because not everyone is let in.If you want to be homeschooled, that's OK but know that there are other options if you are having problems at your public school.

  10. I throughly loved being homeschooled! Everyone says that homeschoolers are anti social hermits but I think that is so ridiculous!

    Homeschooled from Preschool through Highschool, I was never considered anti-social and was never without a plethora of friends. I think it truly depends on your personality and your parents involvement. Through my life experience in this department, I have DEFINITELY seen parents that took homeschooling to an extreme and this is where you get the long hair, glasses and clothes up to your eyeballs.

    I went on to beauty school and then college. It didn't stop me or my sisters from having an awesome and fulfilled life. And I am so close to my parents it is incredible!

  11. Home schooling is not really a good idea.  Here is the reasons why.  1st you need to get along with people because once on your own you will have to always deal with people and strange people..  2nd you will not have any friends.  3rd You will lose out on Prom and all kinds of cool stuff that happens at school...  I know this because my cousin is home schooled and she hates it.  She has been home schooled since 5Th grade because of her grades and now she is doing even worse.  Take time don't worry about the other people at school and focus on your studies your grades depend on the rest of your life....

  12. Homeschooling is awesome! I think it would be a good way for you to focus on your studies and not be distracted by your social anxiety. There are so many ways to have an active social life as a homeschooler. People who say otherwise lack creative vision, dont know many homeschoolers and are most likely not happy with their own social lives. Psychologists call that projection.

    I do not know why strange adults frighten you. If you've had some bad experiences, I am very sorry. While you deserve to feel safe as you learn, I encourage you to also seek therapy for your problem and be willing to use your freedom as a homeschooler to stretch your boundaries. I think you'll find when you are in control of when and where you meet strange people, the experience becomes less intimidating.

    Please tell your dad that the two of you will grow closer, but you will not be attached to his hip. Both of you should have outside interests and some time to yourselves at home. I'm sure he enjoys your company. Some parents worry that being the teacher will make them an adversary. But it doesn't. The family becomes a team. Listen to his concerns. He may be too busy or impatient to be your learning facilitator. He may have reasons to doubt himself that have nothing to do with you.

    I hope everything works out. Good luck!

  13. well it is only a good idea if you have your reasons

    i would get help as to why he is uncomfortable with strange adults, see a counsellor or someone who can talk about it

    it is important that children mix with other people and children

  14. I don't see the problem with it! My friend is home-schooled and her grades went up! She is doing fine, and she doesn't miss out on things because she has friends that help out on parties and things! Tell your parents to trust you and you will do fine. If they let you be home-schooled, try your best!

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