
Do you think home schooling is better that public schooling?

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Im doing a thing for school and I am a homeschool student all my life exsept for 6th grade i went to public school (and loved it).




  1. yeah i do thnk homeshooling is better cause that way you are not around people that will pick on u tease u ect. and you are mostly the only one there and its easier to listen to your teacher not get in trouble and get better grades.

  2. Statistics and most students definately show it is better.

    While certainly there is a failure rate, we are not looking at either the top 10 or the bottom 10, but the mean average of all 1-100 elements.

    One college study showed that the typical homeschooler was 2-3 grade ahead of public schoolers the same age and 1 grade ahead of private schoolers the same age and this started to happen around age 8.

    I was homeschool in touch typing at the age of 6 and we didn't learn that in public school until 8th grade (age 14) and my homeschooling got me an A in that course the first week as I did 40 WPM accurately.

    In a Chicago Private school in the 1960s they learned French in 4th grade (age 10) and Spanish in 5th grade.

    I was in that 5th grade class for half a year.

    In CA schools we didn't take language until 9th grade (age 15) and that course in Spanish helped me get an A at the first 10 week mark.

    Now if kids learn language in 4th and 5th grade of Private school but not until 9th grade in Public school, what does that say about the lag time and delay in education!

    Now with homeschool you can learn what yu want when you want and at the speed you want.

    You can learn biology or chemistry at age 12 if yu want.

    You can start algebra at age 10 if you want

    You know in public school if this is 10th grade this must be Geometry 1, Biology 1, Spanish or French 3

    In homeschool you can do this at any grade level, age level or time.

    You can even teach it nights and summers.

    YOu know there is ONE public school system out there that WILL NOT LET YOU into first grade if you are not 6 years old on the first day of school.

    You have to stay home and wait 6 or 12 months before you can start first grade in that state if you brithday is say, September 15th.

    Isn't that weird!

    Can yu imagaine being in the first grade and having your 7 year old birthday!

  3. Do I think home schooling is better that public schooling?

    In a word, Yes. Home education rocks!

    I've never been to public school because here there aren't any public schools.

    I did try going to a private primary school for a short while (okay, for 5 weeks, while we were in the city once, stuck at the hospital) but felt terribly betrayed and let down by the *total* lack of any rigourous, challenging, demanding expectations held by the teachers of their students (and most importantly, of me! lol!).

    I couldn't wait to get back home and get back to being able to push myself to achieve 110% (and then some) in all aspects of education, be it academics, spiritual, cultural, emotional, sporting, creative arts, life skills, community service or anything else.

  4. I went to public school from pre-school - 6th grade, then homeschooled 7th - 12th.  Homeschool far exceeds public schooling in all aspects.

    Through homeschool you experience the real world (sorry, public school is NOT the real world).  Homeschooled kids learn immediately how to behave around other people, instead of having to learn from kids the same age as them.  

    If there are siblings being homeschooled at the same time the older kids help teach their younger siblings.  This benefits both the older and younger kids.  This type of homeschooling is similar to old school-houses where many grade were taught at the same time by one teacher.

    I could go on and on about the benefits of homeschooling, but I have more than answered your question already.

  5. It really depends on the person, but in my experience public school is WAY BETTER.

    I did learn more homeschooling... but I really started lacking many vital social skills that my peers began picking up in middle school.

    I eventually picked them up when I reentered public school, but if I hadn't I have no idea how I would of learned how to interact with the real world..

  6. I think I can learn better with homeschooling.

      I believe you get a better chance to learn when you are by yourself rather then with your friends and other kids you know. I also think it is better to use interesting books written by someone interested in the subject rather  then textbooks as much as possible.

    But that is just my opinion.

  7. It really depends on the school. I home school my 2nd grader because the school in this small town did not want him as a transfer in kindergarten. I didn't want him to be 19 or 20 graduating high school so I home school. I went to public school and my step daughters mainly went to private school until high school.

  8. I don't think one is ultimately better than the other.

    It's not one-size-fits-all. Some people will do better homeschooling and like it better. Some people will do better in public school and like it better.

    It's just good to have options.

  9. Its like comparing apples and oranges.  There are some things that will be better in Public School, and other things that will be better in Homeschool.  Only you can decide whether you really like an apple or an orange better.

    I prefer oranges.... and homeschooling.

  10. HOmeschooling is better

  11. I think homeschooling is best for our family.  

    Also, it amazes me how many people argue that public school is the real world.  I can honestly say I cant remember the last time as an adult I was stuffed in a locker, got a swirly, or was told I couldnt be someones friend based on my clothing choices.  I also dont have seating charts at work or have to raise my hand to use the restroom.  My boss doesnt care if I was a cheerleader or a band geek.  Public school makes you no more ready for real life than anyone else.  I know from experience that public school can leave you with issues that prevent you from experiencing real life to its fullest.

  12. Quli_Qut...  do you realize that moms who homeschool have gone to college for that. Moms are just as skilled as some teachers if not better.

    busymom I loved that video I think everyne needs to watch it.

    I want to homeschool my children. I hated school I didn't do well and the teachers were no help.

  13. Public school is a waste of time. Unfortunatly, due to my severe lack of income, I can't justify homeschooling my children. I do supplement a massive amount of materials. My daughter is almost 7 and in first grade. Her class is working on subtraction, and she is learning to multiply (at home). Her class copies off of the board every morning into their journals, and she usually extends a page or more.

    Last year I picked her up early once per week for gymnastics, and this year she started taking Violin lessons. How does a broke single mom afford that? Amazing Grandparents!

    Homeschooling is better for some, not for all.

    If you're loosing interest in your education, find a new research topic, or start an online group for some homeschoolers your age or at your level.

  14. yeah!  look at the statisics!

  15. I think it can be better in some regards education-wise, because there's more undivided attention. I have a lot of cousins who are teachers and the kids get on their nerves a lot and this seems to cause a lot of teachers to care less about their students. Homeschooling can be done faster and you can add more personal things to it. I think the only thing about public school that is truly better (though I've never been myself) are all the extra-curricular activites. Because I'm homeschooled I can't join a sports team, or yearbook, or anything. There are homeschool proms, but I don't know any homeschool boys to go with. A lot of the fun social aspects of school and having other kids to talk to every day are gone when you homeschool. That's why you have to do other activities! But all in all, I think it's a student's personal discretion about which is better. Homeschooling will probably mostly be better education and etiquette wise, and worse in everday social life.

  16. In the words of my 9 year old daughter "Homeschool ROCKS!"

    There are some great public schools out there. However you cannot compare education received en masse to one that is custom tailored to an individual.

  17. It is different. Whether or not it is better really depends on the individual student and his or her needs. It also depends on the involvement of the family unit. It depends on your priorities and what you consider to be "better". I don't recommend HS to everyone. For us, it is better than PS.


    With all respect to Katy, I also went to public school and it did not teach me to be comfortable in social situations. It taught me to keep my head down or be ready to physically fight. I got my butt whipped by older and bigger kids who didn't like the look of me on a few occasions. It taught me to talk tough and fight dirty. I even started smoking to fit in. I went on my first crash diet in the sixth grade. I only ate cucumbers and grapefruit. I was desperate for the teasing to stop. As a wife and mother, those traits are a stumbling block, not an asset. You don’t get far in business with that attitude either. It taught me to be ashamed of being different. It taught me that I could never be thin enough, rich enough or pretty enough to be worthy of friendships with the "in" crowd. I learned being a smart girl was social suicide. Being female and strong or outspoken was equal to being a leper and having morals of any kind made you a target for ridicule. I learned that the popular girls had to put out, drink and then go to the "right" church on Sunday morning in just the right brand name clothes in order to fit in. Later, many would tell me about their secret abortions, date rapes and other horrors they had endured to keep partying with the “right” people. Luckily, I found my own way by high school and made my own "in crowd". I stopped being lonely and realized I was wonderful. I broke free, but some damage was done. I refined myself and moved on. But the fear caused by the teasing, bullying and beatings stays lodged deep down like a splinter you can’t reach. Now as an adult I find myself in situations that I have to force myself to be comfortable in, like charity events, board meetings and parties. But the conditioning I received as a sixth grade girl has never truly disappeared. I walk out on stage or into the after party, the dance floor or the board room with my heart in my throat. I have skill in those arenas. I’m a confident person. Still……

          I also want to say that you are right about the importance of spending time with people. But why would you think a HSed child isn't around other people? They are learning at home, that does not mean they are locked away in a tower.

  18. My kids have only ever been homeschooled. They are in gr. 2 and gr. 5. Neither one has any interest in going to public school--ever. They know a variety of homeschoolers, most of whom agree with them! Some of those homeschoolers were previously in public school; the vast majority have no interest in returning to public school. Some are considering it for high school or have attended high school part-time.

    Which one is "better" really depends on the person and the schooling experience (both at home and at public school). Personally, I think homeschooling is better for my kids right now than public schooling would be. But that's our experience!

  19. Public schools are better then home schooling besauce it has equiment you need for education, it has trained teachers and you learn more about life outside home.

  20. I went to public school and I think it is good. it teaches you to be comfortable in social situations and you are also thought by many different people and teaching styles so you learn how to adjust. I had a friend though my church that was home schooled and she hated it. I think it is vital to interact with others.

  21. No Comparison dude. I have been to public school most of my life, and the day I stepped out it was a miracle. I dont have as high anxiety nor depression. I do independent study online with Keystone National High School. I love it. Regular school sucks. You have to deal with the bitchy cheerleaders and you can't work at your own pace. Good 4 u though, your almost the first person I have met that likes public school with all of the bitchy liberal *** teachers.

  22. I agree.  It depends on the student, the family, and the school.  For us, homeschooling is better; for other families, classroom school is better.  There are pros and cons to both - only you and your family can make that decision.

  23. Homeschooling is better than public school--but it has a lot to do with who is doing the homeschooling, what method is used, whether the children are given opportunities to socialize with other people (not just their peers), etc  Most homeschooling parents are committed to educating their children, and academic performance of home schooled children proves this.

  24. This must be one of the most frequently asked questions.

    You cannot compare the two, they are not even in the same hemisphere.

    The only two things that they have in common is that they provide an education; the methodology, and quality however differ greatly.

    Home schooling is a way of life, and parents simply add academics when their children are ready, and adjust to each child's learning style, and interests.

    Home schooling is grounded in the basics + life; the ultimate class room.

    Conventional schooling is a place that tries too, and poorly I may add, duplicate this in a setting that is not a conductive learning environment for most children.

    Even when they adapt to it, because they have not been given a choice, it surely does not mean that it is in their best interest.

    Mass education is not how most children learn best at all.

    This little video illustrates that very well.

    Click on the purple box.

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