
Do you think horses that run barrels like it?

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I wonder if horses that do barrel racing like it because I have a picture of one barrel racing and its ears are completley back. And it looks really unhappy. And they are almost on the ground so do you think they like it?




  1. I don't think any of us can really know for sure.  Horses in the wild have to live in constant fear of starvation and predators, so their behavior reflects that.  Are they happier that way?  How would we know?  Maybe they would all just rather be lazy bums and eat themselves into oblivion if they had their own way.  Maybe some horses look forward to racing because it is what they know, and they find it exciting.  And maybe others would rather take a nap. I think the jury is still out on this one.

  2. the reason the horse has it ears back is because it wants to go faster-

    Horses that normally like other sporting events normally love barrels as the can just go and be free and run as fast as they want!

  3. some horses love it. mine does. when a  horse runs they tend to put their ears back. so it totally depends on the horse

  4. Most of the horses who suceed at barrel racing suceed because they love it and they are happy to do it because it is their "job" most of the horses that arent very good arent good because they dont like it or because they dont have the athletic ability

    And to Barefoottrimmer

    Just cause you dont see horses doing that in the wild doesnt mean they dont like it you dont see horses doing dressage in the wild or doing big jumper courses either and you know what you also dont see people riding horses in the wild either so basically what you are saying is we should leave them there and not touch them and then that would be "natural" for them

  5. horses aren't dumb, not one bit. If they didn't want to do something or anything they wouldn't.

  6. So do some don't.  If his ears are pined back, that doesn't necessarily mean his mad, he could be listening to his rider.  

  7. No.  I think they hate it - all of them.  Is is such an unnatural behavior.  No horse would ever willingly perform these moves.  Have you ever seen horses in a pasture exhibit this behavior??? NO. and you never will because they won't do it unless forced by a human.  Racing is a human invention and has nothing to do with the real and natural state of horses and their lives.  Besides the lunacy of the entire procedure, running barrels also causes great harm to the horses over time.  It breaks down their inside shoulder and leg severely and greatly accelerates degenerative processes like arthritis because it is so unbalanced.  I think it is so cruel to force horses to do this - and for what - the sake of competition and MONEY??  It is so wrong.   I have a "neighbor" who has a paddock full of 6 year olds that are totally broken down from barrel racing.  You can't even use these horses or pleasure or trails.   However, as long as humans can make a few dollars, horses will continue to be abused and injured.  It is beyond sad.  I'm against all racing (horses, dogs).  With me, it's all about the welfare of the animals.  They have so much to offer us, and they enrich our lives in so many ways.  Too often, we mistreat our most precious gifts.  I know my opinion is not popular,but I think it is "the right thing".

  8. the reason the horses ears are back is because of aerodynamics and because if they were forward, the wind would be really loud going straight into their ears. Yes i do think they enjoy it.

  9. I used to Barrel race constantly. Horses also put their ears back for wind resistance, concentration and excitement.

    and horses do these things in a paddock , i constantly see my horses whirling around by themselves in the paddock, they don't do the pattern, but they they scream around invisible barrels all the time.

    trust me, the love it.

  10. The reason the ears are back is because hes running, and he wants to move faster.

    all the barrel racers i've ever runned, raced, owned etc.. LOVED IT. if they truely hated it they just wouldnt do it.

    some horses know the patterns so much all you have to do is sit, pick them up, and hold on to the horn.  

  11. Some do - some don't.  Some are competitive - while others tend to be lazy.  Depends on the horse.  

  12. Like the others said, some horses can be lazy, some just like to move faster and also for concentration. I rode 2 barrel horses for a while. One loves to go fast and concentrated around the barrels while the other is lazy and kind of bumpy going around. I like them both and they helped a lot with my riding.

    Barrel horses are all different. :)

  13. Have you ever seen how excited those horses are to get in that ring?  They wouldn't be doing that if they hated it.

    A horse can put its ears back when it's really know, like how people scrunch up their faces and almost look mad when they are concentrating really hard...same type of thing.  Ears back doesn't ALWAYS mean the horse is mad.

  14. So with this philosophy Barefoot........then NO horse should be ridden or touched for that matter....why dont we just let them all run free. Your logic makes no sense, why are you isolating racing and barrels??? What about WP, Eventing, Hacking, English, Jumping, Reining, Working Cow Horses, Cutting, Dressage and so on...Nothing we do is you see a horse in the pasture doing some complicated dressage move all by themselves??? Get your head out of the clouds and get some common sense. Horses are a lot of thing for different people some want companions and friends that they can go on trail rides with, some are competitors and want Athletes, some yes make a living off of training, breeding and showing......but this in no way constitutes abuse.....these horses are like pro athletes, they get treated better than most people and get hurt and have injuries, just like people  shoulders, knees and joint pain eventually getting arthritis........but to say these athletes didnt have fun or enjoy their life's is simply not true!!......thats immature, ludicrous thinking...I bet you are one of those people that walks around with blinders on thinking your way is the only way......shame on you!!!  

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