
Do you think how Sara was treated last night was bullying?

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I certainly do, the way Darnell & rex spoke to her was disgusting. Darnell sickened me. Whats your thoughts please.




  1. Both totally out of order - why does BB have to ask Sarah if she is ok - it was clearly bullying and both Rex and Darnell needed to be pulled into the diary room for it.

    Rexis a total s***. He caused the confrontation and kept up the heat - even though he could see that darnelll had gone too far and that Sarah was upset. He was on such a power trip. He wound sarah up and then went inside to get darnell out to carry it on - knowing Darnell would end up looking really bad.

    In the bedroom Rex still would not let up - fake apology - then asking Sarh who she got on with in the house. He knew she would not say Darnell and that this would upset Darnell even more.

    Darnell lost himself the game with his performance last night.

  2. There are about 9000 reality TV shows on the air. You didn't even say what show you were talking about.  

  3. I was not particularly a Sara fan and quite liked Darnell but after last night he has completely lost all respect as far as I am concerned. I don't think he was trying to intimidate her I just think he is hurt that she doesn't fancy him and he is just like a big child striking out at the thing that hurt him but he needs to learn that he is going about it the wrong way, he is supposedly an adult. As for Rex he just took a joke too far and realised this and apologised and as long as he doesn't do it again that's ok. Sara has been her own worst enemy flitting from one person to another but she did not deserve the treatment she received last night.

  4. what else would you call it?

    their being childish :/

    darnell cant have her so he's throwing a tantrum & picking on her

    & rex is just being rex - not that thats any excuse!

  5. I think that Rex only said sorry as he is trying to save his butt and he soooo wants to win!

    Darnell is scum, if it was the other way round it would have been racism - I think that they should have both been pulled into the diary room , this is no different from the Jade and Shilpa, they are putting their heads in the sand and just thinking of viewers, I hope she goes and wins now that would show them! ha ha

  6. It was disgusting, i felt uncomfortable watching darnell and rex are pathetic excuses for men!

    How anybody can think that it is accpetable to talk to a woman like that is beyond me

    It won't do them any favours because they are now hated because of it, only with a minority still liking them!

  7. Darnell says things the wrong way.

    He obviously really liked sarah and I think thought that something would come of it....He is a confussed man, I like him, but he does not put what he wants to say across in the right way. We all knew that he has been horrible since she jumped in the bed with stuart...but Darnell has been winding himself up about it. It must be hard for them in there not knowing how they are perceived on the outside world, I thought it was interesting when he said that when he was in Jail in the USA that he was too white for the black people and too black for the white people. I think he has been confussed about himself since he was a child, I think that he may come into himself when he comes out and sees that people dont think he is a freek just because he is an albino. Rex....I get what sarah said about rex, you kinda know when he is being really horrible and you know when he is in a wind up mood....but, I really dont like him, although I will say he has been better since the girlfriend left. They were both hard on her and I agree it was unfair, she comes across as a nice girl too.  Dont forget two shows tonight, 9pm and 11.05

  8. absolutely i despise both of them and the other housemates for sitting on their FAT ARSES and doing nothing

    darnell is a pathetic jealous insecure nasty agressive g*t you needs to get LAID and his bitterness is embarrassing

    there are still some idiotic darnell fans lurking about after last night but dw hes got NO CHANCE of winning BAHAHAHAHA

    but it was actually UNCOMFORTABLE to watch it was horrid!

  9. By darnell yes, Rex apologized for his actions & like Sarah said herself, she can see Rex was only joking. Darnell was trying to slip a few insults under Rex's jokes hoping to go unnoticed but it didnt!

  10. Yes it was bullying.  At least Rex apologised I suppose. I definitely think Darnell should be spoken to by BB

  11. I completely agree

    I HATE darnell now.

    I mean has he ever looked at himself!?

    He is so ugly and he calls poor sara ugly.  I feel so bad for her.  They even made her cry and rex is a pig too.  Rex was sayin imagine being in the final and all the fireworks going off and people cheering as you walked out.  I was like yeah, you're not gonna be in the final now after what you're doing, and ur gonna get booed!

  12. Why is it OK for her to do it but not for Darnell and Rex?

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