
Do you think how typhoons occur?

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i'm searching for the answer in my assignment how typhoons occur?




  1. Typhoons require a special set of conditions, including ample heat and moisture, that exist primarily over warm tropical oceans. For a Typhoon to form, there must be a warm layer of water at the top of the sea with a surface temperature greater than 80 degrees F (26.5 degrees C).

    Warm seawater evaporates and is absorbed by the surrounding air. The warmer the ocean, the more water evaporates. The warm, moist air rises, lowering the atmospheric pressure of the air beneath. In any area of low atmospheric pressure, the column of air that extends from the surface of the water -- or land -- to the top of the atmosphere is relatively less dense and therefore weighs relatively less.

    Air tends to move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, creating wind. In the Northern Hemisphere, the earth’s rotation causes the wind to swirl into a low-pressure area in a counterclockwise direction. In the Southern Hemisphere, the winds rotate clockwise around a low. This effect of the rotating earth on wind flow is called the Coriolis effect. The Coriolis effect increases in intensity farther from the equator. To produce a hurricane, a low-pressure area must be more than 5 degrees of latitude north or south of the equator. Typhoons seldom occur closer to the equator.

    For a Typhoon to develop, there must be little wind shear -- that is, little difference in speed and direction between winds at upper and lower elevations. Uniform winds enable the warm inner core of the storm to stay intact. The storm would break up if the winds at higher elevations increased markedly in speed, changed direction, or both. The wind shear would disrupt the budding Typhoon by tipping it over or by blowing the top of the storm in one direction while the bottom moved in another direction.

    I hope this answers your question, as I have been monitoring these storms as part of my research.

  2. A typhoon, just like a hurricane and any other tropical cyclone, forms when many conditions are met. For example, there must be an area of low pressure that moves over warm (around 80 degrees F or more) water. If the upper-level winds, called shear, are not strong enough to rip up the thunderstorms, this low pressure will increase in strength. Officially, a low pressure becomes a tropical depression when it has a surface circulation and a good amount of thunderstorms that stay together for a long time. In the West Pacific, where tropical cyclones are called typhoons, these depressions have plenty of room and warm water to strengthen into typhoons. This is how they, and other tropical cyclones, form.

    Typhoons form in North Atlantic Ocean, the Northeast Pacific Ocean east of the dateline, or the South Pacific Ocean east, Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the dateline, Southwest Pacific Ocean west of 160E or Southeast Indian Ocean east of 90E, in the North Indian Ocean and in south West Indian Ocean. They Form when several winds meet. A typhoon forms where there is warm water, an atmosphere that cools fast, has to be at least 500km away from the equator and has moist layers near the mid-troposphere

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