
Do you think human overpopulation is an important social health problem to be concerned about?

by  |  earlier

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Doesn't poverty, racism, violence, and economic issues all stem from this?




  1. yes...a very big problem....

    it affects every field.....over population is the cause of many present probs...and future probs....

  2. Sure, overpopulation is a cause to a good many things. With the incurable diseases that take lives daily; I do not think that it is only over population. If immigrants were not here, would we not have to even contemplate this?

    I do not think that whether or not our population was any different; that we would have all of the same problems. I do not think population concerns the issues you think of.

  3. It's largely important. Humanity should not have populated as much of the earth as it has and it will eventually eat up too many recorces as animals do in the wild and will die down to a more credible number before rising yet again... or dying out alltogether... as well as killing the rest of the spiecies on the planet... This over population is due to our obsession of keeping EVERY SINGLE LIFE even if it is not naturable or really intelligent to keep them,... such as brain dead people... or people with crazy dizeazes... or people who wish to commit suicide... but human beings... socially... are meant to live in large packs... although not in the same gigantic one. Think of them like differen't kinds of the same species: they live in different packs but when the packs get too large to be seperate it creates controversy.

  4. No. The more the merrier.

  5. yes but you'd have to fight the "right to life" zealots to make any headway.

  6. Every issue stems from overpopulation. It's just that most of the people are educated enough to understand it. I would explain these things to these people, they would think more plants would fix it. When what I'm saying doesn't have a large part to do with plants. We'll soon run out of space, food, and energy. We won't have any space to grow and raise food. With the growing population we will need more energy. More energy needed equals more carbon emissions. There will also be less money to go around. Imagine sharing 10 dollars with ten people, now imagine sharing the money 20 more people.

    The scarcity of the necessities will cause people to resort to violence to get what they need. Racism? Well, there could be groups that would think they're the superior and should be the ones to live. From seeing the patterns in the past.

  7. yes i think so theres a sh--- load of ppl in california lol

    but i think this will be a bigger problem in the future......

  8. We should find ways to limit the amount of people somehow, like creating a one-child system not unlike China.

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