
Do you think humanity has the capacity to stop, revert or control climate change?

by  |  earlier

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Even though humanity's activites have altered climate patterns, can we really control climate?




  1. I disagree with most of the previous amswers. I believe humanity has a the power, intellect and will to revert some and control some of the damges we have caused to the world's climate. However, it requieres a tremendous effort.


  2. I don't belive it, but the nature will give us the better answer.

  3. with the middle east going nuts burning c**p and with china polluting the planet from industrial manufacturing and producing products chock full of lead and selling cheap c**p world wide...

    there's nothing we can do to control it

  4. oui, (dopo voglio explicare a te mejore).

  5. El cambio ya no se puede revertir, pasamos hace tiempo el punto de no retorno, claro que el humano tiene la capacidad para al menos aminorar los golpes, es cosa muy dificil pero se puede.

  6. Debemos preservar lo que tenemos

  7. of course not!

  8. no way.  i think it is somewhat arrogant of people to think that we do control climate change.

  9. i think we dont have any control because its destiny. god controls everything and that happens. watch the day after tomorrow. god will chose thee day the earth ends not global warming. it is the inevitible and no one can stop it

  10. Pues la capacidad está en sr concientes y poner nuestro garnito de arena todos, en la contaminación, en el ahorro del agua,  en la energía, no tirando más basura e la selección de la misma. Pero necesitamos abrir los ojos porque es nuestra casa.

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