
Do you think humans ar all created by GOD?

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I mean do you beleive yourself a creature of God, From Adam and God soul?Or have you had any revelation dream telling you that you are from anything else?Do you beleive yourself superior with the best smell? unflawed knowledge?A skin from heaven ? Or other details as your inner function?




  1. Our species evolved over millions of years. None of the thousands of gods existed, including the present crop of largely witless buggers called gods.

  2. what i believe is kinda complicated.  i don't believe we were created by God bu7t i do believe there is a God.  i think we have evolved by some different species because there is soo much evidence on it.  I believe there is a heaven and that we go there when we die and that there is a God.  so yeah...that is what i believe...if it makes any

  3. YES!

  4. If God is love, then yes, I was created by God.

  5. If you can get me to believe that God also made the Devil then I will believe that humans were made by God

  6. Even particles are made my God his name is on each one. The problem is what youre gonna tell God when he doesnt believe in evolution. Quoting a phony website about monkey DNA wont save you from burning now will it?

  7. well the way i like to see it is that god created the earth and life but we have evolved from it. So its basically evo-creation. Also god must have created earth because the earth is place in such a position that if we moved 1 degree off we would spiral into space.

  8. Yes, I know all humans were created by God.

    I don't know what you mean by "From Adam and God soul".

    We were created in God's image. Never anything about

    his or Adams soul is relevant. Adam was just the first human made by God.

    There is God, Jesus and the Holy spirit.

    If Jesus sits on the right hand of God, and the 3 are a trinity,

    then the Holy spirit would be to the left.

    If you have ever experienced the Holy spirit you would

    know what I mean when I say it the most loving, nurturing experience. Kind of like a woman. Since it is to the left

    of the God, and he created us in His image, with God at the top, the son on the right, and the Woman on the Left.

    Why when we marry do we where our rings on our Left hands?

  9. No. Religion is a fantasy made up by the few to control the many.

  10. As opposed to only 'some' humans created by god?

  11. Humans created God, not the other way around.

  12. I believe God created me, and that he has a purpose for me. Do you think you are better than me?

  13. NO, man created God in his own image.

  14. What you believe depends on what you choose to believe.

    Think about this:  We are supposed to believe that once upon a time, a long time ago, there was this mass of neutrons about the size of a pea, just sitting there in the midst of space.  After unknown eons, suddenly this mass of neutrons exploded, expanding at the speed of light, and, after 4 billion years, give or take a few, became the universe you and I live in now.

    Somehow, from all the billions of galaxies created, it just so happened that the Milky Way galaxy came to be.  Then, somehow, out of all the billions of stars in the Milky Way, the sun was created.  Then, somehow, our solar system came to be.  Then, out of all the planets in all of the solar systems in all of the galaxies, somehow this one planet that just happens to have all the ideal and delicately balanced conditions needed to support life.  Then, by some incredibly unlikely accident, an amino acid is created.  Millions of years later, this amino acid has, somehow all by itslelf, evolved into the myriads of kinds of life we now know -- then, after millions of more years, we humans came to be.

    Never mind how incredible all that sounds, think of the following principles:

    First of all, science says from nothing, nothing can come.  Did that pea-sized mass of neutrons just always exist?

    Second, science tells us that any body having mass will remain at rest unless and until a force acts on it to make it move.  Where did the energy to cause the "explosion" come from?

    Third, science tells us that all explosions must have an ignition source.  What was the ignition source, and where did it come from?  And so on?!?

    Frankly, I don't have enough faith to believe all that!

    It makes more sense to believe that we, and our universe, have an intgelligent designer, whom I shall call God, who made it all.

    (After all, your Ipod had an intelligent designer, didn't it?  Doesn't it make more sense that the intelliigence of Man itself had an intelligent designer?)

  15. Yes I do believe God created all human beings.

  16. 1. To respond to the question:

    I think humans evolved up to a point. I think there was some higher intervention, and we then evolved to where we are now. Basically, in my opinion, humanity is just some entity's science project and earth is one big petridish. I have ideas about who, where, why, what and how, but they might be wrong, I freely admit.

    Though, in all honesty, I don't believe I was created by the Christian God, no. Old traditions, and traditions in my belief system, point to an entity that is more akin to Satan than anything else. Oh, the irony.

    2. To respond to the people who commented:

    Geeze. -.-

    People who say God is the only way blah blah blah? You're annoying.

    People who say all religion is fake and acting like you're superior because you don't believe in religion? You're just as annoying.

    "I think God is the true creator" and "I think religion is c**p" is one thing. "God is the true creator, you're going to h**l!" and "Religion is a fairy tale, you're all delusional!" is another... -.- I find it terribly ironic that Atheists are becoming just as bad as the Fundies.

    3. In short:

    We all have our ideas about the creation and evolution of humanity. Unfortunately, most can't be proven, which makes most of our ideas -opinions-, not facts. Hopefully people will get it through their heads that it doesn't really matter, and stop acting like nutcases over religion.

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