
Do you think humans are controlled by electronics?

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I was driving and I noticed that 2 drivers behind me were talking on their cellphones. I also notice that whenever in public many are walking around with their ipods, cellphones, and whatever else. Do you think many have become controlled by machines?




  1. yes .. we try to make things easier by lettin A.I.. artificial intellegence do all the work.. eventually we wont be doing anything and let robots, computers, and other types of electronics do everything... eventually AI are going to controll everything and we will be destroyed .....tsk tsk killed by our own inventions .. isnt that ironic

  2. We are the collective of Borg.  Resistance is futile.  You will be assimilated.

  3. yes humans are controlled by electronics[for example:-car is started by man but when man is setting in car,car don't start as soon as man is setting] in this way  humans are controlled by electronics

  4. You could say that. or, you could say some lack the discipline to stop.

  5. We aren't controlled at all by machines. We don't churn butter, plow fields, or harvest crops for survival anymore so we need something to occupy all this free time we're left with (and don't gimme that read a book bulls**t either). Internet puts information at your fingertips like never before (you've learned a lot on YA haven't you?). Cell phones? You can contact people while on the go which actually makes you MORE free to do other things! Other than video games, (which I think are the reason we haven't colonized Mars yet) I say technology has made us smarter, FAR healthier, and as free as a bird.

  6. I think electronics have changed the way we think and also the way we interact. YES, in my opinion electronics have changed social order.

  7. Maybe not controlled but definitely hurting attention spans. Also, the use of personal entertainment or communication devices created a tangible "force field" which tells others around that they prefer being left alone with their music or conversations.

    Have you ever noticed a group of two or three people sitting together and each is talking on their phone to other people? Isn't there something socially destructive when it seems we are physically with people, but really paying attention to something else entirely. Not engaged in conversation, not respecting the people in the group enough to stop taking calls or texting others?

    I think it will only take 2 or 3 generations for people to stop writing by hand, spelling correctly, or remember their own parents phone number.

  8. yes sometimes

    i think that theyre making elecrtonics way to extreme

    people shouldnt be listening to music browsing the internet or talkin on the phon ethe whole time

    theres way better things to do

  9. no many people just enjoy using them. An iPod is not in any way controlling a person. They're just listening to music. A Cell Phone on the other hand maybe a little controlling as txting and talking on the phone can be very addicting.

  10. h**l yea. i have always seen all of my friends (im in 7th grade) with more of an adult perspective. They are all controlled by their electronics. People have FRIENDS based on electronics. People alienate each other based on electronics. I'm proud to say I have one Zune 80, one Toshiba Laptop, and one PS2. My friends have hmmmm... 7 ipods... a dumass macbook...... and a PS3, WII, and a 360. Spoiled!

  11. no but i am definitly addicted to Y!A  !!!   I wish I had an ipod, got a cell phone and I hate ppl who talk and drive...

  12. I think that people are addicted to electronics, but not controled by them.  If anything, people are being controled by the media that tells them that they must have a cellphone/ipod/ect.  When the Ipod is telling a person to vote for Clinton, "or else", then it's controling people.

    But, I agree with the sentiment.  People have become for too reliant on machines and would not know how to function if the machines were taken away.  Hopefully people will learn that just because they can be in touch with anyone in the world, it doesn't mean that they can put everything around them on ignore.

  13. BY what is apparent to me I am very much in agreement with you. Others are going to give excuses and call it different names, but I think that is due to the fact that we are in denial and don't want to give up what we are attached to.

    As I am looking around my two bedroom townhouse I see (while sitting at this computer) My girlfriends kids computer, XBOX, daughters Ipod, my mp4 player, laptop (for work, of course) TV, DvD, stereo, DVR I am actually making myself sick now that I think about it. Oh, I forgot about my ATARI under the EC.d**n! I don't even want to look, but I bet 80% of the electronics I have are made in China! I am a sad sight!

    I didn't even go upstairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think everyone should take a good look at what they have before answering this one... A star for you man VERY INTERESTING

  14. lmao are u trippin? technology is the 99% of the reason why people go to school and college, to live a better life, its not called being controlled its called having fun

  15. Yes,in todays world technology is a very important need in everyone"s life it plays a very important role in today's busy lifestyle.With so much invention it has made our life very easy too.

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