
Do you think humans beings are monogamous by nature?

by Guest34328  |  earlier

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I think they aren't, otherwise people marriages and s*x wouldn't become routine.

Oh, and in case you are wondering about my marital status, I am single and I have never been married.




  1. no ,but that's the animal talking ,if i want to be human then i must think of the consequences of my actions ,and monogamy is the human thing to do.............tom

  2. I think that women by nature, are.

    And I think that men by nature, are not and tend to have to fight off temptation to remain monogamous.

  3. Nice one Hamish. Ha ha.

  4. Only the ones who are nature.

  5. I've read that the size difference between males and females within a species indicates if that species is monogamous by nature.  If the males are 1.5 - 2 times larger than the females, then monogamy is not indicated.  By this test, humans should be monogamous by nature.

    Edit: I found the article on Wikipedia regarding Sexual Dimorphism.  We are seeing an increase in average female height, relative to male height.  This indicates a decrease in competition among males.  So as a species, we were once polygamous but the trend is towards monogamy.

  6. I don't believe that men in particular, are monogamous by nature in fact,very few species are. It is rather social convention and religious and pressure that insist on us being with one person only,always,forever. This romantic notion is relativly new as marriages were more dynastic and marrying for love alone was considered vulgar if not downright gauche. This raises of course,a great many questions about ones self and what one is willing(or not willing) to accept. Jealousy by it's very nature is born of insceurity and many couples I know are sexually faithful but take their relationships very seriously as do their paramours male or female. But then, Europeans have known this for ages and once again, they're ahead of us in dealing in an adult fashion with the situation

  7. Single births are mono and multiple births are not naturally.

  8. I would say that it is a conditioned response considering the popularity of pologamy. Personally I only belive in monogamus realtionships but that does not mean that the rest of the world does.

  9. If by monogamous, you mean one exclusive sexual partner at any one time, I'd say not.  Most statistics suggest that somewhere between 40-60 % of married folks will have an extramarital relationship at some point during their marriage.  Given that there tend to be fairly strong social / cultural dictates against such activity, one would assume that more would have multiple relationships if it was not frowned upon.  It would suggest that social/cultural forces move people toward monogamy, not "nature."

  10. Historically monogamy is a new thing for humans.  Evolutionwise monogamy doesn't make sense and we wouldn't have survived back when we were hunter gatherers if we subscribed to monogamy.

  11. If we consider this question in terms of evolution, it does not make sense for a male to remain with one sexual partner.  Most males of other species (often the fittest and strongest) distribute his genes in multiple partners in order to ensure genetic continuity. As well, given the relative ease of creating the s*x cells required, a given male could have many partners.  By contrast, the physical and emotional investment in reproduction for females seems to suggest that females are more monogamous.  Thus, it is society that imposes our norms rather than the nature of human beings.

  12. really you dont need to be either ,and heck no ,why because there is something about new ,well you know what ,and we as humans love to watch and be watched ,so go on and have fun ,and when you think of marriage ,get a cat ,then when you two gewt board get a dog ,and have fun

  13. Which ones?

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