
Do you think humans may have evolved from wolves?

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Man and wolves hunted in packs. They both are carnivorous. Humans could easily go from a four legged position to a standing position. Why monkeys and not wolves?




  1. well if you look at the skeleton of a wolf and a human you wont see that much the same

  2. Not monkeys either.  Both wolf and man also hunt alone.  Humans are omnivores.  It took millions of years for the human to become an upright tetrapod.

    No.  The wolf was not a common ancestor of any primate.

  3. If u mean primates, then sure.

    Whales did and the platypus did (betcha didn't know that!)

  4. We have DNA that is much more similar to primate DNA than canine DNA.  

    We have noses not snouts.  We have hands not paws.  We both hunt in packs for the same reason fish and whales have the same shape, even though they are not closely related at all.  That's just what works.

    What I want to know is how early humans not only befriended wolves, but domesticated them and taught them how to do tricks.

  5. opposable thumbs, and the actual idea is Humans and monkey came from a common ancestor.

  6. I'm afraid not. Humans are primates - there is ample genetic evidence that shows we are much more closely related to other primates than we are to canids. However, I wish we HAD evolved from wolves. Unlike humans, they are loyal and mate for life!

  7. I actually evolved from a cat. Meow.

  8. The genetic evidence is that we evolved from primates.  actually we are primates.

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