
Do you think humans will eventually destroy the earth?

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I really do think we are destroying the planet, and some days i would even go as far as saying we are just parasites slowly eating away at the planet until nothing is left. What do you think?




  1. no... the planet will always be here, long after we are gone too.  It honestly doesnt matter how much "damage" we do, because after 1000 years, it will most likely look the same way it did before we started s******g things up.

  2. No I don't.

    It has been said that all animals are just parasites on the plants, because only plants can make food from water, CO2 and sunlight; the animals have to eat the plants or eat each other.

    But that is totally different from what you are saying. What you are saying is a peculiar mind set I see all too often in this section where people despise humanity and even WANT it to be destroyed. Kind of a cultural anorexia. For each pound the anorexic looses they believe they are getting even fatter, until they starve to death. The modern environmental movement sees smog cleaned up and stinking, burning rivers safe to swim in and think that the environment is getting worse instead of better, until you end up with things like the Voluntary Human Extinction movement who sees the only solution being the extinction of the human race.

    (EDIT) There, one of those environmental anorexics gave me a thumbs down.

  3. oh for sure.  It isn't the animals that are creating all these harmful things thats speeding up global warming.   Now will we be here to see it destroyed...Nope

  4. I agree with you but I feel it will be do to senseless wars before we destroy it with other things.

  5. Yes, but after we wipe ourselves out, it'll recover.

    Just like it bounced back after the dinosaurs.

  6. Yes, but I don't think it will happen in my lifetime.  I am 20.

  7. we can't destroy it even if nuke it a thousand fold. But the poisoned environment would destroy us instead.

  8. There is no doubt about it probably much sooner than later.

  9. Something that was said in the Matrix really made me think.

    Mammals adapt to their environment, they don't try to change it, or move. Viruses change their environment, they will do anything to make it inhabitable or more enjoyable for them, even if it means killing it. Humans do this, so effectively, we are not animals. We are a virus on the Earth.

    I think humans will one day destroy the Earth, or break it down so much they will be forced to adapt. I personally hope fuel shortages will come before this global warming gets too much, at least that way we can slow down global warming and people will be forced to live wholesome lives, being made to adapt for a while.

    Global warming is effecting us now, and anyone who says it's not is blind. It's February now, and it's warm and sunny in the UK! Snowdrops and flowers are already out and the birds are singing longer and longer each month.

    It may be nice now.. but lets just say I'm not looking forward to crazy storms and deadly heatwaves.

    I suggest we all learn to live in wooden huts, stop using electricity and money, and raise livestock etc.

    If we really want to save the world...

  10. No, the earth will eventually destroy humans.  But if we are better to the earth we can put that off.

  11. If we get out of control, the earth has a way  of cleansing itself, like the dinosaures.  But were not destroying it, its all hype.

  12. We will never be able to destroy Earth. We'd probably destroy ourselves first., and Earth would go on just like it always did.

  13. Yes how can we be sooooo stupid!! stop destroying the friggin planet you clueless people!!

    This is for your overpopulation question(it got deleted): I know!! I asked the same question a month ago!! The amount of people on this planet will grow every second there's so many people on this planet!! Did you know there is more people on the planet now, then there was that ever died? Ridiculous!!

  14. American Indian had such a respect for "nature" only if others would have followed. there is a book called the giving tree, it delivers a powerful message. humans take and take, don't think until often its too late.

  15. Only Time can destroy the earth

    we only have 4 billion years left

  16. Yes we will, and the earth is really flat.

  17. Don't worry about the earth, she will shake us off like a bunch of fleas.

  18. No.  The planet is very tough, and will survive.

    Man is pretty tough, and will also survive.

    But we could make life very unpleasant for ourselves, and send some species to extinction.

    It would be excellent to avoid that.

  19. yes , sadly that may happen which i don't want to happen!

  20. Nah... It will be well long after we're gone....

    Watch the History Channel Documentary "Earth Population 0" or something like that.

  21. actually, the earth will destroy humans first!

    this is a wonderful planet that works with wonderful systems ... it knows how to take care of itself, and it will get rid of humanity when it has had it!!

    enough said :)

  22. No.  We are like every other animal in this regard.  Without natural predators, we multiply until we exhaust our natural resources.  Starvation and disease result.  An equilibrium is established.  The end.  We haven't reached that point yet on a global scale, and we won't in my lifetime.  Forget all of this parasite nonsense.  Open a book and learn a little something about nature instead of idealizing it from afar.

  23. I can see your points campbelp and soy, your both so correct. But at the current point of earth history, the 6th big exstinction is soon, and i would like to beleave that we as vertebrate endothermic mammals will survive it.

    I totally agree on the parasite behaviour !! I have been saying the same thing all my life. Im doing a degree in Life Science and i can say it ture. We live with no natural threats to really cut back our numbers, and since we are not the top of the food chain, the only natural answer is population purging by a supervirus. Sars would have killed 60% of the worlds population had it escaped from Asia.

    Another strain of virus will at some point cross the gnomic gap between species and become a major epidemic. This is certain. So relax at some point we will have our numbers cut down and so laugh about the ironic fate we have as the real parasites do their work haha :)

  24. (Bob),gives a practical approach to the scenario,except nature has a way of doing this anyhow.Your fortunate to live on a planet that offers many renewable resources.I wish people would look at real pollution problems rather then GW.If you destroy an ecosystem with,sulfates.cadmium,mercury, oil spills, clear cutting,

    and nitrates,what chance will it have to recover from a warming trend.

  25. Yes, and we are doing one fantastic job of it at the present time.

  26. First of all, the earth was here waaaaay before Humans (the first hominids appeared here around 3 million years ago or so, earth is estimated to be about 4.5 BILLION years old)...but I think you mean will Humans damage the environment enough so as to make biological life forms like us impossible to exist?

    The answer is who knows, but if we continue along the current trajectory, things do not look good and for two many reasons.  First is of course global warming.  We are changing the acidity rate of the ocean, threatening micro life forms that are crucial to the oceanic food chain.  Global warming helping contribute to the "bleaching" of bio rich coral reefs.  

    The destruction of the rain forest and encroachment on the territory of so many species, is leading to what scientist calls a "mass extinction" period right now... So much of the food we are dependent on is being threatened.

    And of course, I have yet to mention how overpopulation contributes to this, or poverty....Or even how Nuclear Weapons could also help wipe out humans as a species.

    All these things seem to confirm your worst fears.  So if your analogy is accurate, we are some of the dumbest parasites out there...most parasites are smart enough to keep their host alive until they find another host...and we simply don't have another "Host" or planet to go to, now do we?

  27. There's no doubt in my mind- we are parasites, using every resource for our own pleasure and never mind what species we harm in the process :(

  28. Where to start?

    A quote from The Matrix does not a philosophy make, unless you have serious problems. People are not a virus, if you look at human history without bias you'll see a different picture. Have we changed the planet? Yes. For the better? Not always but I don't see any other species working to preserve their competitors from extinction or building habitats for them or any of the other things responsible humans do.

    Where does this racial self-hatred come from? That's an interesting question because it seems to be more and more widespread. It reflects non-critical thinking, someone who just absorbs slogans and catch-phrases without really thinking about or examining them. We couldn't destroy the Earth if we tried, that's the most arrogant thing I've ever read. Even a nuclear winter, which would come closer than anything else we could do, would be a temporary setback to the planet.

    Buy green. Given the choice, most people will do it. Care for the environment. Same thing. Will the Earth destroy us? Hah. Yes, almighty Gaia will rise in her wrath and smite us down. If you happen to believe in that. It's utterly pagan and as difficult to prove as any other religious belief.

    Crazy storms, heatwaves, tidal waves, all the things you fear the most are part of the natural order on Earth, they've always happened. It's seen extremes that are hard to believe from being a huge steam bath to being a gigantic iceball. Do you really think we could have that much impact?

    Inform yourself! There is no mass extinction predicted by any well-known biologist. CO2 is good for plants and thus for food production. Melting glaciers mean more water for irrigation, not less. The rain forest has largely stabilized and vast tracks are now off-limits for cutting or similar development. At least check wiki before you post, if you don't have access to any actual scientific literature!

    The planet has been enormously improved over the last 30+ years but most fringe environmentalists refuse to acknowledge the slightest progress because their power is based on panic and fear. If there are real parasites in our society I'd point to them first. All they do is impede and detract, they don't build or contribute in any way. I don't mean those who want to 'tread lightly' or clean up the air and water, I'm in that group. There are some who only want to destroy our society and would be delighted if humanity became extinct and that's so dysfunctional I don't like to think about anyone mindlessly believing what these people say.

  29. My ans is not. Coz scientist will find a way.

  30. Personally, I think that we are destroying our planet and doing a very good job at that! Especially when observing the past, when our ancestors didn't have as many new technologies as we have this present day yet they still managed to survive. I mean we are all here aren't we? Not to worry scientist, inventors and everyday citizens like me and you are trying to find as much new technology as they possibly can to stop polluting with our own technology like solar panels and stuff like that so keep in mind that there are still people working on saving the planet and if you think it is a big deal you should keep or start doing what you need to do to join this effort.

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