
Do you think humans would be better off being animals?

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Sometimes in my daily routine, I pause to think: all I really need to do today is eat, sleep and f**k. I don't really hope for anything more.




  1. Humans ARE animals.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  2. Where do you think we came from ? I think you need a life.

  3. We make our lives un-necessarily complicated for reasons which still escape me.  But basically, we just eat, sleep and have s*x.  So, feel free to join the rest of us human animals.

  4. Nope, while in the army in Korea, I had to live like an animal.  I love being warm & controlling my environment.  It is wonderful to have a soft bed to sleep in,  take a warm bath, eat a meal at least once a day, have dry feet, drink coffee without dirt in it.  To really appreciate the human comforts of life, perhaps you have to lose them for awhile?

    Yeah, I know I'm an animal, but too many Homo sapiens spent their life making it possible for me to live better than other animals, that shiver in the rain & cold every night.

  5. Member Growl said it first.  We are animals.

    Scholars have said " modern humans are just animals that have been taught to be polite".

    I like that answer not because it is funny but because it discloses the darker side of  "us all".

    All our behaviour is brain driven and we have the primitive brain with no change from a million years ago and then we havethe evolved brain, the frontal lobes which have advanced over the centuries, allowing us to think in the abstract and to modify our behaviour and to use "reason" rather than "instinct".

    However, there are times when we go off the deep end during an emotional upheaval for untold reasons and it is then that the "primitive brain" takes over.

    It is on these unfortunate occasions that men and women lose control of their "educated" brain.  It is then that they kill and murder . That is when the "animal" in us is in charge.

    And finally there is recorded data that modern individuals revert to beasts when they are strarving for example. The primitive brain tells the body to survive even if it means eating others.

    There are other cases when the animal brain saves our lives.

    There are numerous documented cases where humans have jumped distances, scaled impossible heights, endured heat and cold beyond limits in order to survive. Those are thew times when the modern brain is diplaced by the animal or primitive brain.

    You have asked a most interesting question.

    Thanks for letting me answer it.

    I am looking forward to reading other members' contributions including your own.

  6. Humans are animals.  We biological entities and we happen to behave in a particular way.  Separating us from the rest of the animal kingdom is one way that humanity wants to feel special.

  7. Looked at one way, our human culture is just a construct that facilitates exactly those three activities. So maybe you're not too far off there.

  8. I think that the earth would be better off.  I don't know how it's going to keep supporting the extreme numbers of people and use of resources.  You may be a Type B personality and to think about it, I suppose it has been the fault of Type As for all the complexities we now face.

  9. Well, that is a nice life goal you have for yourself there. Very nice.

    BTW humans are considered in the animal kingdom, so technically we ARE animals. homo sapiens

  10. Humans are animals.

  11. well.. we are animals of course but we don't really do the same thing as them.

    1.we take care of animals

    2.and food supplies

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