
Do you think i'm pg?

by  |  earlier

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we've been trying to conceive. my periods are all over the place but i haven't had one since may 31st and i'm just hoping we are pg. i've notice that i'm really tired lately and really emotional. i'm 36 and i may just be having some major hormone trouble. over the counter pg test have never worked for me and i've been pg 3 times. i have 2 boys and i had 1 miscarriage 2 years ago. my husband and i are middle aged but we would love to have another child. my husband is scared of the results. he wants me to go to the dr. but he dosen't want to hear the results if i'm not pg. he's scared i'm going to start any time. he calls me during the day everyday to see how i'm feeling and he asks if i've started yet. these last couple of years since my miscarriage, has been an emotional roller coaster for us. all serious answers and prayers will be greatly appreciated.




  1. goodness gracious.  You know that worrying isn't good for you, right?  Just relax, either you are pregnant or you aren't -- only a test will determine the answer.  Call your OB/GYN and get them to do it in the lab.  Problem solved :)

    Don't let all this get you so upset.

  2. The best way to know your pregnant is to take a test. If that comes up negative, then you go to the doctor and have a blood test done to show if you are pregnant and how far along.  I wish you and your husband the best of luck!  

  3. Hi dear. Your last one was on May it is already 2 months. that should be a good indication. It is best to go to a doc ... all the best.. dont take too much stress ...not good for you.. take care

    PS:  i am ttc. 5 days late. hubby keeps calling throught the day to ask if it started, or if i have nausea... all negative tests.....

  4. Could be , Why dont you do the DIY test ... I hope you are anyway..An Irish Blessing to you...

  5. ask a doctor for a blood pregnancy test... Good luck and lots of prayers...

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriages.

    But if your really tired and you haven't had your period in a while, you might be pregnant. But I would go to the doctors ASAP Plus it's better to know now then find out later. I'd make an appoitment.  
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