
Do you think i'm pretty? honesty please.?

by  |  earlier

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Don't comment on the face I'm making.

I know its a strange face.

& I rather enjoy making odd faces.

So shut up.

I'm doing this because I feel really ugly.

& I feel ugly because no guy ever likes me.

ever. not one guy. and like i dont know.

so tell me all your opinions about me?

and if you're really nice,

would you tell me why you think guys don't like me?

thanks much.




  1. You're pretty, Try a different color braces, and don't put on that eyeliner stuff considering you have blue eyes and brunette hair (just doesn't look nice imo)

  2. you shouldn't care what people have to say about your appearance do what makes you happy because no one haves the right to put you down.  be yourself and the right guy will find you.

  3. You look like a cute pretty young girl. Though if you feel like guys don't like you.. well it's not your looks at all.. and guys may like you, but at young ages don't always know how to go about it.

    when I was that age I felt the same.. and found out later on that some guys did like me.. but they were either shy or not the guys I wanted to like me.  AND the one who make it too obvious they like you.. are usually the one who just want a girl to fool around with.

    Good Luck, be patient.. when you feel better about yourself you will find guys being more attracted to you as well. people like people who are confident.. feel good about who they are.. and that is often rare for young girls to feel that secure. but be true to yourself and you in turn keep an eye out for the sweet guys.. not just the really really good looking one! ;)

  4. hey - any girl who can coax a squirrel into taking her picture

    is sooooo cute in my book!

    I don't know what you think is ugly - but if you ARE ugly

    I only want UGLY girls in my neighborhood


    so cute - - -

    and those other guys - they're just plain stoopid

    no loss there

    keep lookin' babe - you'll find your treasure!

    all the best

    (X marks the spot!)

  5. you are pretty and I think guys don't like you coz you might have some characters that scare them away.

  6. Cut.  It.  OUt.

    You are doing this because none of the guys YOU like, are returning the favor.

    I guarantee... I guarantee there are guys who like you, but who you would never date in a million years.

    I guarantee it.  You just don't think *those* guys are worth it.  For whatever reason.  Too fat.  Too old.  Too, geeky.  Too many pimples.  Like.. YUK, I mean, those shoes?  puh-leeese.

    So get off this trek.  Stop being selfish.  Look at yourself.  You are doing the same thing to other guys, that the guys YOU want, are doing to you.

    Are you actually communicating with any of the guys you want?  Like, you know.. talking to them, telling them you find them cute and would like to see a movie, or like, whatever?  Or are you just kinda, you know, keeping to the background, hoping that they will see you, and make that move on their own?

  7. i really don't know what could possibly be wrong with the way you look. you have beautiful features. maybe guys are just intimidated.

    answer mine:;...

  8. Are the guys in your area blind?

    You are very pretty!

    And, it looks like you have some cool & interesting character traits as well!

    Relax. Everything's gonna happen!

  9. honestly, you're not ugly. this picture doesn't seem to show you off as stunningly beautiful, but I bet you anything that you could take a better picture. You seem to kind of have your own little style going on and it's pretty cute. You honestly just need to be confident and then the guys will be all over you. And you're only in the 8th grade? Honey, you have plenty of time. I felt EXACTLY the same way as you at that age. Exactly. But by the end of the year I had my first boyfriend, my first kiss, and everything started going the way I wanted it to. Just give it time and things will work out. Good luck!

  10. well you just told a bunch of people you don't know to shut up about something in which you were defensive about before you even put it on the web.

    so my advice: be nicer.

    and even if you are just kidding, it wards some people off anyway.

  11. i think your really pretty

    and i love your tyed-eyed shirt and peace necklace


    i dont know why people dont like you,

    just get yourself out there, show the best sides of you, try to stay positive!!

  12. i think ur ok

    and i think guys do like you, just that none of em have the balls to tell you.

  13. other then the strange face your making, i think your pretty. maybe you could straighten you hair and see if it looks good. anyway, just talk to some guys and they will warm up to you, you seem nice. also, even if a guy likes you, they will just avoid you cause that how us guys do it. trust me, i have first hand experience with hiding from girls i had crushes on

  14. Honestly (since you asked for it):

    I think you have an attitude.. based on what how you talk. "So shut up."

    You just have a closed off sort of talking style.. "thanks much".

    You are pretty cute, but personality can take away from looks.

    And I suggest not to make odd faces, cause they aren't always attractive.

    Guys might not runaway from your looks, maybe it's your personality.

    You're welcome, and good luck.

  15. If I was around your age, I'd prolly date you.  But knowing i'm 21, I wouldn't.  Why, you ask.  Just cuz you make funny and awkward looks doesn't mean anything.  Your not ugly, cute in your own way.  Maybe all guys where your from are weird.  I'm from Seattle, WA but now living in Louisiana...  kinda sucks cuz no one like me.  Its all about my skin tone tho, they think I'm mexican.  *grumbles*  anyways, don't get discouraged just becuz a bunch of boys don't like you.  Maybe they like you, but are too intimidated to come close.

  16. im a girl, and im not g*y at all, but you look pretty, and don't worry the right guy will come along soon, but idk maybe it's your attitude, i cant really tell your attitude from the question but you seem nice

  17. From what I can see, you are beautiful. As to why guys don't like you, I couldn't tell you that. Since it isn't your looks, it must be the way you treat them or behave around them. Think about that for a while.

  18. no homoo but i think your cutee :] idk why guys dont like you their jerks. Your hair looks pretty but you should try straightening ittt, that would look so great on yaa !

  19. you're very attractive, don't worry the guys will be knocking down your door soon enough

  20. You should never feel ugly. No one is REALLY ugly, if you think about it. Everyone's got at least one pretty feature, like nice eyes or legs or even fingernails or something like that. Also, looks shouldn't matter that much to you. Even if you're gorgeous, guys still might not wanna date you because of your personality. Then they'd just want to bang you, and that's not what you should want in a relationship.

    Anyway, I think you're pretty! You have cute bangs, and your hair looks nice and curly, which is what a lot of girls envy. You also have nice eyes from what I can see.

    Guys might not like you because you don't seem too confident. Guys like girls with self esteem. If you know you're a fun, datable girl, then act like it! Also, I can't tell how old you are, but you look like a teenager, and teenage boys are sometimes too chicken to ask girls out, even when they really like them. So, don't feel bad about yourself, because I'm sure a guy will ask you out sometime in the near future. You're young and pretty, so you should be grateful and have self esteem. :) Good luck!

  21. You are definitely not ugly.  If you really were ugly, you wouldn't be posting pictures of yourself.  

    Guys might be intimidated to talk to you.  Or maybe you seem unapproachable.  

  22. ur very cute! and u seem fun 2, makin the weird faces and stuff. maybe guys r just intimidated by u cuz ur really pretty. maybe they r just 2 scared u will turn them down.

  23. cant tell to much with that pic

    and as for the guy reason, they probably do like you, but either afraid to commit, or afraid to admit

  24. Your features are symmetrical which is the most objective standard of beauty. You are clearly young, too young to be worrying about guys liking you. In another ten years you'll be wondering why guys seem to just want s*x, and why can't you find a guy that you like. Many guys your age are posting questions like "How do you tell a girl that you like her?" and "How do you talk to girls?"

    A lot of guys are intimidated by girls they think are pretty and reluctant to risk rejection by admitting affection. It's easier for a guy to tell you that he likes you if you put him at ease and help him relax. Smile and laugh at his stupid jokes that aren't funny to help him gain the confidence it takes to open up to you. Most guys that like you don't have the nerve to tell you.

    For now I suggest you work on building your self confidence and independence. You do not need guys in order to be happy. Do well in school, practice your hobbies and enjoy life. Don't date guys more than two years older than you until college because guys learn to be more manipulative when they're older.  

  25. I actually do think your pretty. Try to straighten your hair. It might make you a little more confident. And when your braces are off, you will be gorgeous!

  26. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.  I hate to say it, but I think at your age, boys can kind of sense "who puts out."  A lot of teenage boys will go for the girls who will put out quickly.  Don't take it that you're ugly.  I was totally not on the radar until I moved out of my little town and went to college--suddenly intelligent, vibrant young men were asking me out.  

  27. Your a really cute girl and if you think guys don't like you it might not be because the way you might be because the way you act...maybe you act yourself and you might be a little different which isn't always a bad thing...and you should try and smile a little more in your pictures then you can tell how pretty you really are...

  28. Your looks are fine, but your personality may leave something to be desired.   Telling people to "shut up" wasn't too nice.    

  29. sorry but if you want an honest opinion i will have to say your not actractive at all...seriously um braces? and you look like a hippy! get decent clothes and lose the braces and do somthng about the hair and eyebrows :)

  30. It's really hard to tell from one picture.  You hair is nice, but maybe something could be different in the front.  Pretty cheeks and chin.  Hard to tell about you nose in that picture, but I also like your eyebrows.  You look as though you have a fun personality, which makes a difference.  And of course we can't see your body.  

    Truth be told, wait a bit.  Boys are a little slow and stupid sometimes.  We catch on after a while.  Look at some girls that do date boys and see if there is anything in their appearance that might work for you, but make sure you stay true to yourself.  It'll all work out.  

  31. not to sound weird, but you are really pretty :)

    like a fun girl to hang out with

    don't say your ugly, because you aren't at all ugly

    just be confident in yourself, thats the most sexiest thing any girl can wear

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