
Do you think i am a wimp?I'm an old battle scared ex marine,yet I'm the softest hearted person I know.

by  |  earlier

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is this a good thing or a character flaw




  1. What is this? Tuns Tavern? Yeah, you're an old softy.  Don't you start crying there now. You just need to find you a good Filipina to help breath some life into your tired a.s.s..

    Semper Fi, Gunny's in the house.

  2. there are no ex-marines...once a marine always a marine... semper fi jar head

  3. wow.

    we got some major big ego holders here.

    well mister,

    if you think you're a good natured individual, fine.

    what's so bothering about that?

    are you worried because marines should be tough?

    --and you think you're not?

    if you think that way,

    think again.

    because i tell you,

    it's a bad perception.

    i think you're fine the way you are.

    you should be proud indeed. why?

    because you're a rare find. =)

    life is short.

    feel good.

  4. This is good thing.  I hope you know when to be tough and when to be soft.  This makes you a good man.  

    I hope your buying around for everyone, I had a miserable weekend.  

  5. geez no! you might have that 'tiger face' look but you are still a human after all. I find it s**y actually :)

  6. Ohhrahh devildog...

    You have the personality of a warrior... Tough in battle but good to others.. Chicks dig that..

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