
Do you think i am fat!?!?

by  |  earlier

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i know a lot of people ask this question, but it would really do me some good if you would answer. and maybe tell me some good ways in which i can look slimmer. thanx!!




  1. You're not "fat" but if you're worried about your weight, try cutting calories and walking/running (it does miracles).  If you're not concerned and just want to "appear" slimmer black is very slimming.  Also, vertical stripes will make you look tall and lean (definitely avoid horizontal stripes--they will make you look wide).

  2. Look perfectly normal to me...


  3. Mate you aint fat, bit chubby though!  Nothing to worry about.  Wearing black is good for looking slim as it wearing vertical stripes cause they make you look taller and therefore slimmer.  Horizontal lines are the enemy!  The give the appearance of a wider body!  If you wanna tone up though play some sport - squash is a good cardio one!  Or footy (my personal fave!)

  4. ur not  really fat just a little chubby

  5. You could use loosing a little weight but your not fat. Try walking or running. Exercise is an important part of everyday life. Working out 4-6 days a week for an hour will do you good and you should see results within the first month, but you need to stick to it. Once you have shed the weight you want to loose then look into build muscle doing push ups, tricep dips, crunches, sit ups, wall sits, plank... other things like that if you do not have access to a gym for weights.

    Also watch your portions of what you eat, eat a big breakfast as is starts your metabolism for the day. Try to eat every 4 hours, with snacks between your main meals. Good snacks are fruits and veggies. Eat something from each food group throughout the day. Drink lots of water and what the drink your do drink as the do add to your calorie count for your day.

    Also look into getting a multivitamin to take in the morning with breakfast.

    Do not eat late a night and you can still eat some favorite sweets or cravings you have just watch the amount you eat, if you cut it out all together when you want it most you will go overboard and it will suck to break your eating habits.

    As far as water goes you should be drink half of your body weight in oz. every day. The water you drink while working out does not count to that water as you will just burn it out of you. Drinking water also helps your muscle heal after working out and make sure you stretch your muscle for 20 minutes everyday so they dont get screwed up and you prevent injuries from happening.

    I like to bike, swim and run to get into shape I am big into cardio for loosing weight and then doing lunges and other things at home to build but muscle even though biking does help a lot with that along with all those others I listed. If you could get a friend to join you it will be more fun and you will stick with it more. If you could find a gym or sports team to join that will help as well because you will have someone there to motivate you when your not in the mood to do anything.

    Good luck

    Also good to have good health

  6. You appear to be an averaged sized young man.

    No apparent need for any significant weight loss.


  7. i couldnt care if you look fat i mean why should you care its not about how you look on the outside but what is in the inside i know that a lot of people say that but if you pretend you dont care they will start liking you for the person you are inside

    it makes a lot of sense

  8. you dont look fat. maybe just a little on the husky side. ways to LOOK slimmer: wear black tee shirts and stuff like that. (black slims you) and dont wear too many layers.

  9. Actually no. I think you are perfect. And really cute too. I like your body size.  

  10. No.........

  11. Not fat, but you're no spring chicken either.

  12. sorry to tell this r like roasted fat white pig.go to gym and get some tight muscle

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