
Do you think i am old enough?

by  |  earlier

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our family computer is in my partents room ( i have no idea why) and my dad doesn't like me going in his room. so he said i would be getting my own. we have no place to put the one in parents anywhere else. i am 12 do you think i should get my own computer. do you think i will get a new one or the old one?




  1. Yeah! Get a new computer! UR old enough 2 have it! When u turn 13, it'll be even more responsible.

  2. well, i got my own hp flat screen computer when i was ten, so, yeah you definitely are old enough to have your own computer. that is, if you don't plan on doing anything bad with it, like going to websites that are bad for you or you are too young to use.

  3. yeah, cool. why not?

  4. i think that at first you should get the old one and if you treat it good then get a new one or a laptop. but if your parents trust you to get a new one go for it!

  5. well i just turned thirteen in may and yesterday we ordered an apple...a new one. i defintaly think that your old enough to get a new computer

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