
Do you think i am on my way to becoming an author?

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I have loved writing since i could hold a pencil. And people are always telling me i am the best writer in my class every year. I am only 11 but i have already written a 25 page story. I have a gazillion notebooks and have bben reading forever. Do you think i could really be an author?




  1. You can be an author if you try hard enough. It sounds like it's something you really enjoy, so you should definitely stick with it. They say that if your career is something that you love, then you will never work a day in your life.

    My advice is read a book by Stephen King called "On Writing." It's about how to be a writer. It's not a horror story or anything, and it's very entertaining as well as informative.

    Good luck!

  2. you could be, but it's still too early to really tell.

    I used to be like that when i was younger too,

    but as time when on i started reading & writing less & less

    because it became like a chore to me because I didn't

    like being told what to write at school. I liked writing what i wanted.

    Now, I'm back to my old self & I love writing again. :)

    So basically, if you keep up with the things you're doing now,

    and you are passionate about them, then i'm sure you could be

    an author someday.

  3. Of course you can be an author.  You don't have to be the best in your class to be a good writer, you need to enjoy it so much that you would rather write than eat or sleep.  Learn the rules of grammar and spelling so your writing can just flow and be easy to read.  Many authors make writing an important part of every single day, sitting  in a special place at the same time every day is a good habit. I write magazine articles and I make sure I always have research material all around me and plans for several articles all in the works at the same time.

  4. hey anyone could become an author, like if they have enough money or ave a good resource to get their book published then they could be one- even if they are not good. i think the point is could you be a great one?

    well to know that we would have to sample some of your writings.

  5. Yes! Keep reading and writing all the time. That's the only way that the best authors got good at what they do. Keep going and you can do whatever you want. Good luck!

  6. I don't think you can, I know you can. Whatever you put your mind to, you can do it.

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