
Do you think i am spoiled???

by  |  earlier

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dont think i'm spoiled but my mom thinks i am. what do ya'll think? I have 4 digital cameras of my own, i've gone through 3 laptops, i have a digital camcorder, i have 6 pairs of seven jeans. I wear lilly and lacoste, I got a donney and burke when I was 10, I got a cell phone when i was 11. I have an ipod nano,ipod mini, zen vision mand ipod touch And i get $50 a month for allowence, i also have an electric guitar, xbox360, PS2, copy/scanner printer, i've had my room re-done 5 times, i have 2 palm pilots, gone through 3 cell phones, a stereo, real blue sapphire ring i got when i was 13 and 4 flat screen tvs plus all the other tvs in my house, and for my 15th bday i want a shopping spree, laptop, or a pink hummer h3 or a jeep liberty or a toyota 4runner or a red corvette .... soo am i spolied b/c i really don't think i am... but some ppl do which i think is absolutley CrAzY i mean come on... that is NOT spoiled is it???




  1. I reckon you are spolied. lol, but its ur parents fault for spoiling you in the first place. If your mum thinks u r spoiled, then tell her that it is her fault. So, you are spoiled, but blame ur paretns for it.

  2. No. I think you know you're spoiled, and more so want us to know too. If you were really trying to sway the argument in your own favor you wouldn't have mentioned half the things you did, or you would have at least attempted to make your argument convincing. They way you've written it anyone would think you're spoiled.

    Still, if you know you are spoiled, and you don't try to take advantage of it then it's fine by me; you're lucky you have what you do :D

    ~The Otaku Twins~

  3. I suppose you need to have all those material goods to compensate for not having any friends.

  4. Why do you need all that stuff?

  5. Little one you have a great imagination!  Try your hand at writing short stories and put your imagination to good use.

  6. well, ppl have been saying that i am spoiled but i didnt think so.

    personally i think the difinition of being spoiled is to get anything you want at anytime you want.

    it is like when ever you ask for something , there is no way you are getting a NO.

    but if your parents puy you these stuff and havent bought you others i dont think you are spoiled.

    btw, i have most of the stuff that you have minsioned and  i dont consider my self as a spoiled.

    think about it:

    if you are and you buy your son a plane as a BD gift.

    ppl will think he is spoiled.

    but because you are you dont consider it as a big deal.

    ADVICE, if being spoiled make you feel bad consider your self as a non-spoiled. and if it does make you feel special consider your self as one.

    i dunno if this is the type of answer you are looking for??

  7. This is a wind-up, isn't it?

  8. yip..and already it's evident the effect its having on your personality

  9. I'm sorry hon... did you say something???

  10. Um.....YEAH! You are insanely spoiled. Not because you have those things but because you felt the need to tell everyone that you have those things. It's absolutely ridiculous. You poor poor girl......your life is going to suck if you don't grow up and be grateful for what you have. poor thing.....I truly pity you.

  11. You are a spoiled brat.  and on top of that you're a ***** for thinking you're not spoiled.

  12. yeah its safe to say you have plenty of stuff and should probably be  more careful with the phones and computers

  13. Try doing some community work, or volunteer service. It may put things in perspective to be around people who are not as fortunate as you.  You are spoiled to me because no 15 year old need all that.  Try working for what you want.  When you have to buy it on your own, its a whole different ballgame!

  14. Of course you're spoiled. That's thousands of dollars wasted which could have gone to fantastic causes around the world - fresh water for thirsty Africans, aid to those in Burma, finding a cure for cancer. And here you are telling us you think it's funny when you've wasted so much money. It's pathetic, as are you, especially when you quantify your entire life with material possessions.

  15. stop bragging.

    this is bragging:

    my family is 10 times richer than yours will ever be.

    and i'm not lying like you are either.

  16. what the he** do you mean you are not spoiled? not spoiled is having ONE kinda iPod, and having ONE camera, ONE palm pilot or ONE computer. I mean why would you need about 10 things that do the same thing? and why do you need a CAR for your 15th birthday? you're not even allowed to drive yet! and are you trying to show off on the net, cause it's really not helping. try doing something NOT for your benefit, and maybe use some of that money to help those who suffer from AIDS or don't even know that something like an IPod exists. millions of people out there your age don't get anything to eat, and you're over here with your tremendous list of c**p.

  17. would you parents adopt me please

  18. I think you need to do a major re-evaluation of the meaning of life and then get one.

  19. NO! i have two ferris your family just made something of themselves, and love you thats how you prove your love everyone else is just jealsous b/c they dont have it. If they did they wouldnt see anything wrong with it.

    hit me up

  20. What I'm wondering is why you don't find better use of your free time than writing this nonsense.

    I don't know if you have any of that ridiculous list, but you need to find ways of doing for others, rather than just for yourself. That's the only way you'll find a way of filling that hole in your soul.

  21. The fact that you can't see that you are in a really fortunate position to have all these things is why people call you spoiled. Just because you have all those things it doesnt make you spoiled, the fact that you that you have more things than the average person but aren't greatful about it or recognise that you are lucky means you are spoiled.

    You need to understand that your parents (who I'm assuming are wealthy) still worked hard to give you all those things. Most people in the world dont get nice cars for their birthday's.

    I'm not poor and I'm not rich my Dad did buy me a car to help me get to university but it cost $1000 but I was still greatful and super excited because it meant I had a car.

    I think you should look outside the world you socialise in and look at the whole world. Try going to India (or anther less fortunate place) and seeing the poverty that exists on the streets there you might start to understand why people call you spoiled.

    If you had a better perspective on the outside world and put less value on material things people would stop calling you spoiled even if you got a hummer for your birthday!

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