
Do you think i am to buff?(pic)?

by  |  earlier

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I know girls dont like to buff you think i am to buff?




  1. hellllllllll no, thats just the right amount(:

  2. DAMMMMNN your hotttt. and perfect! you would be crawling with ladies if you had longer hair. =]

  3. nah your good but get a tan lol

  4. WOW! your buff..but no not to over the top buff.

    I like guys like that :)

    your freaken hot!!

  5. dang it!! ur too old for me cuz u got a tatoo... =[....u r like perfect! u should be a freaking model!!! ooo and ambercombie model...those models are soo hot! ud fit the bill!!!! my jaw dropped when i swa the first pic...

  6. yes very nice... lol :D

  7. Dayumm boy your fine :) definitely not too buff. I love exactly how much muscle you havee :) :)  

  8. Really fine!

  9. no, thats just perfect...and your way hott! ;)

  10. niceee...

  11. sweetie, how old are you? cause the girls my age love buff guys. as a matter of fact i dont know any girl of any age who doesnt like a buff guy. the only girls i know who have said something similar are ones who feel a little out of shape and being around a buff, muscled guy makes them feel worse. but thats their problem... not yours! i think you're adorable and you have a great build that obviously you haev worked hard for. be proud of that and dont care what other people think. if you feel good, thats all that matters!

  12. uhh umm ok? if you r looking for the answer yes than i will say no vice versea!! jkjkjkjk

  13. Nah, your absolutely perfect, seriously.

    *picks my jaw up off the floor*



  14. omg, ur hawt!!

  15. your anEpcottistical arnt u

  16. nah you're lean and with just enough muscle showing

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