
Do you think i can make it in japan?

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i plan on moving to japan when i graduate. i also plan on learning japanese . but i heard it's hard to move from america to japan...

wadda ya say?

think i can make it?

and how hard is it to live there?

only answer if you know what you're talking about.





  1. In order to run a business over the Internet, you need at least a local bank account and an apartment with broadband.

    There might be a landlord that rents you an apartment, but you need an alien registration card to get broadband and open a bank account. You need a work visa to get an alien registration card.

    That's the whole reason why you need to find a job so you can get a work visa. The alternative to that is to start a company with at least two full-time employees, which may qualify you for an investor visa.

    The alternative to living in Japan with a work visa is to become an illegal alien. You won't have a bank account, so you'll have to keep all your money directly in cash. Even if you manage to get an apartment, you won't be able to get a phone line without an alien registration card, so you won't even have dialup internet at home. You'll probably have to go to an Internet cafe to get online. But the worst part is that if you're ever caught by the authorities, you get deported and be banned from entering Japan again.

    So nothing's impossible with enough determination and a little bit of luck. You could even start your own business in Japan. It takes more than what you might be willing to commit to. The first step for you probably is to start learning Japanese now, instead of waiting until you finish school. Especially if you're planning on starting a business, you won't have the kind of time you have now to study anything. And if you've never been to Japan before, you need to travel there a few times before you really move.

  2. I don't think Japanese government issues visa on someone who is doing "business over Internet".

    If you want to take investment visa (which is for business owners), you need to start more solid business with office and not less than 2 employees.


    If you want to live in Japan, you absolutely need visa. You can stay in Japan only 90 days without visa.

  3. Kelli, it is almost impossible to get permission to live in Japan. It is nothing like the USA. It is a homogeneous society. I suggest that you check Japan's immigration laws. I think that you are going to have to change your plans. If you are going to run a business over the internet, why do you need to live in Japan? Find somewhere else, would be my suggestion.



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