
Do you think i can make my varsity tennis team .?

by  |  earlier

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Ive never played before and started getting lessons, tryouts are in like march




  1. is it guys tennis? and yeah definately think you can if you show that you are interested and dedicated give it all you can good luck

  2. It depends on how many people sign up to play.  For example, not many people try out for my school tennis team, so everyone that signs up makes the team.  Some tough schools make a lot of cuts.  The only way to ensure your spot on the team is to practice.  If you have a good serve and know to hit decent forehand and backhands, you are good to go.  Also, you need to learn how to hit the ball deep.  Hitting the ball deep makes them harder to return, because the opponent doesn't have much time to decide how high the ball would bounce and where it would go.  Varying your shots and making your opponents run are great techniques.   Here is a website that has a lot of techniques.  If you can master all these shots you might even be number one on your team.  Now practice, practice, and practice.  You will make the team for sure. Trust me.

  3. Maybe if your team is not very good.

  4. First try playing against some of the varsity players already on the team as well as some of your upcoming competition. If you get in enough match play you can get alot better

    If you are a Frosh you also probably have a better chance of getting looked.

    But most of all If you practice hard you can make it. Its all up to your determination to get better.

  5. I predict that not only will you make the team, you'll also be number one singles...

    after you win state, you'll get a scholarship to Stanford, which you'll decline because before school starts you will have already won Wimbledon.

    So, I recommend keep doing what you're doing... the future looks bright.

  6. sure???!!!!

  7. When I was in 9th grade I went to the first practice of the year with no experience whatsoever.  I went to all of the spring and summer practices and by my 10th grade year, I made the lineup and never dropped out of it.  I even made it to #1 on the team by my 12th grade year.  So it is very possible for you make the team this year.  Even if you don't play any matches, its good to get the experience and play with better players.  My coach always said that he's never had anyone come out for the team all four years and not become a decent player.  Depending on the size of your school, it may be a bit more difficult, but by no means impossible.  It all depends on how hard you work.  Play hard, all the time, even in practice and with your friends.  All of the best players at my school played everyday at the local park with their friends, so I would advise making some friends so you can get more practice and experience.

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