
Do you think i can qualify for financial aid, i made about 21,000 last yr.?

by  |  earlier

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i decided to go back to school at night, i have a full time job, but i also have to help my dad with the bills in the house and pay my own bills which includes a $300 car payment. my dad doesn't make a lot of money maybe a little more than i do. my mom passed away a few yrs ago so im not sure if that will help n im of hispanic decent. any information is helpful, even if i do have to take out a loan.




  1. The only real way to know is to go apply and see what they say.

  2. They will consider everyone's income in teh home. My husband went back to online college spring last year. Our combined income is just under $30K with 2 children. He qualified for specialized loans but very little grant assistance. My advice is to just apply through the financial assistance office at the college.

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