
Do you think i can win the lotto on wednesday?

by  |  earlier

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  1. ill be your best friend if you win it,lol

    good luck.

  2. 6 7 27 13 48 34

  3. bet.

  4. do you think you will see jesus reading the sunday sport baby!

  5. Odds will not win....but it most certainly is possible!!

  6. yeah just like every1 but the odds are against ya good luck anyway

  7. If you do can you buy me a Mars bar?

  8. They do say anything is possible.....

  9. You have to be in it to win it, yes you can.  Will you buy me a Galaxy Muffin if you win?

  10. yeah.....definately

  11. Yes, you can.  Btut I don't think you will.

  12. You have as much chance as a lotto people, (gerrit), more than Me as I won't be playing it, good luck ta ya.

  13. Yeahh I mean, there's only a 1 trillion odd chance you will, but good luck. Hey, if you win, we can flip a coin for the money, heads I win, tails you lose ;)


  14. you have just a good of a chance as the rest of us, c'mon!!!

  15. "Think lucky, and you'l be lucky"

  16. 50-50 chance, its a win  or lose situation my friend. Best Of Luck =)

  17. The odds are not in your favour.

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