
Do you think i could be a model??

by Guest57774  |  earlier

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  1. How tall are you?

    Your face isn't bad, its like Classic American, you could do catalogs and what not.  

  2. yes..

    but it also depends how tall are you and how much do you weight?

  3. Why don't people clean their rooms before they take pictures of themselves to post online?  Geez.

  4. You look to healthy to be a model.  You'd have to go on a diet to of water and cigarettes to make yourself look like a rail....then you'd be on the way.  

  5. depends on what your body looks like. cute features though

  6. of course you could you s**y thang!!

  7. i think your really pretty  

  8. ya you could model clothes for Walmart

  9. modeling is not only related to how you's related to how tall/fat you are.

    but your face is pretty and cute

  10. Its not just about looks.  

  11. You can do anything your heart desires.  

  12. yes, i think your very pretty, dont listen to people who tell you tall are you though, because i think you have to be at least 6 foot or somthing...but u definetly have the face=)

  13. depends what kind of model you want to be. if you want to do runway, you should fit the height requirement, but if you want to do headshots or magazine shoots and others like that then who knows? it all depends on your talent, watch america's next top model and you'll see what i'm talking about.

  14. I'm sure you could.

    for runway or high fashion you have to be a *least* 5' 7"

    and that'ss kinda short, considering that.

    You could definitely do print modeling, all you need is a unique look.

    And a charming personality.

    Good luck to you!  

  15. With alot of make up maybe!

  16. no. not pretty or exotic enough. srry.

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