
Do you think i could have something SERIOUS wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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Okay i posted a question about my legs ages and them clicking and grinding [go see it to catch up], so i went to the doctors and they couldn't find out what was wrong with me :(

So they've sent me to hospital which im due to go on the 21st of this month, so anyway i was talking about it with my friends the other day and a girl over heard.

She's a really nice, bright, down to earth girl who is very kind, :)

She mentioned that her mother works in the department where im going and then she said something thats bothered me...

She said something about it being for fractures,specialise in legs [which i knew] then she said it ws for bone cancer aswell. '_'

This is where it bothered me.

Ever since ive been thinking about it non stop and having nightmares too. As ive waited over a month for my appointment my condition has gotten worse :(

I shake on a night really bad [i dont tell my mother]

I have dizzy spells

Feel sick

Hair falls out [only aa little bit, when brushing or w/e]

Weak etc

And now that this girl has said the bone cancer unit, i cant help but wonder if i have it or something along the lines of it. I don't think im paranoid or anything but now it is on my mind all the time and i cant focas. Everytime i see the support adverts on tv i panick thinking it might be happening to me.

Im terrified tbh, i keep having nightmares that im dying etc. Its awful. Im only 14 and i dont know much about this stuff and i need help really bad PLEASE :'( [cryinhg as writing this btw]

The unit im suppose to be going to havent told me what there are doing :s, ive heard its Xrays,bloods and other tests.

I just want to know if i COULD possibley have cancer or something else like that or ANYTHING eally.

I know non of you are doctors but this is my only hope to turn to unitll my hospital date.

Thanks in advace x*x




  1. it's okay to be afraid.

    as for you being only 14 i m the same age.

    i would recommend to you that you just relax and take time to think about what is going on. i can't say weather something is wrong because i'm not a Doctor, but i do hope it is all fine. just talk to your mum about what you are feeling and those dizzy spells etc. it may be important and i think that she needs to know. i hope that you are okay.

    good luck in the future!

  2. Ok first off if ur not fat stop taking diet pills, that stuff can hurt you. Trust me I've seen a lot of it happen. Addiction, weakness in a body, getting too sick and skinny and ending up in the hospital because of it.Malnutrition  and death.

    As long as you weigh a normal amount for a 14 year old you're perfect, and you should be happy with yourself the world doesn't revolve around skeleton look alikes.

    Now you need to stay calm, it might just be a lack of calcium and vitamins due to the pills. At the very least it will be calcium malnutrition and you'll have to take calcium pills.

    All you have to do is relax and just hope for the best.

  3. relax... just relax.

  4. Hey! you'll be OK! I have this problem as well and all it is, is arthritis! it gets better over time, but i may be wrong with your condition. DW! everything will be ok but TALK TO YOUR PARENTS! see if they can help you.

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