
Do you think i could play rugby?

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i played running back in high school but Im interested in playing pickup games of rugby in college. these are my football (girdiron) highlights but im not sure how american football skills translate in rugby.




  1. Most definately.  Rugby is a great game to pick up if you have played other games like football or soccer.  If you're going to college look to join the rugby club team if they have one.  There you can start learning the skills with guys who are probably in the same boat or were not to long ago experience wise.  Good luck and have fun.

  2. Dude your awesome at American football.

    With speed like that you could be a winger, but your strength is tremendous and with that you could be a forward and drive the opposition of the ball in rucks and mauls.

    All you need to do is learn a few basic rules of rugby and you will be one tremendous player.

  3. you would be good as a winger, but looking at the video, i would expect you to find that boring as most first time wingers do. you have the potential to be a great center, but you will have to work on TACKLES! inside center(12) will recieve less tackles than outside center(13). try to stay away from half back, as they make most of the decisions for backs, and as a beginer you will be more confused than anything else.

    good luck man, and keep those tackles coming.

  4. you will definitley need to learn new skills, because you will be defending as well as attracking, you may end up in rucks and mauls, and there are proper techniques you needto use when tackling in Rugby

    but with your pace you could make a good winger

    and wing is probably the best position to start in to come to terms with the new rules

  5. if you're that good in football, why not play football in college. you would most likely make a good rugby player, and you would love it. it's like one giant kickoff, all of the hitting, good biggest thing for me was you have to put your head behind the player you're tackling instead of "putting your hat on the ball" like football coaches say. other than that, its just learning the laws of the game. and everything else will come natural for you

  6. you might do Ok in a pick up game, but mate there are no fatties opening up holes for you in rugby!O lines can make a back look good. Give it a shot, what do you have to lose. Oh yeah, you will have to lose the pads though. A few good runs in there.

  7. Yeah man, you could probably be a winger once you learn all the rules..

  8. Definately.

    Learn the rules, learn to tackle, pass and kick, learn your positioning and learn how to get past people without the help of blockers and you could do really well.

    You have the ingredients to make a great winger: Raw Pace.

    Add the other areas to your game and you'll be a very good player.

    Remember, in Gridiron you have to do just one thing. Either run, tackle, throw or block.

    In Rugby you have to do it all, and be on the pitch all the time so the step up in stamina is going to be big.

    Good luck.

  9. its a different mindset really. as a running back you are better suited than most other football players to play rugby, since you read and adapt.

    if you can tackle, and pass, and realise that sometimes its more important maintain possession than make those extra few inches, then you will be most of the way to becoming a great rugby player.

    id love to see you do so

  10. By all means.  You should be able to get in a few B-side games.  That's the beauty of rugby, even if you aren't on the A-side (the first, starting team), you still get to play.  In football, there are many players who never get to actually play on game-day.  For that reason, Bo Schembechler used to have his fifth-string guys play rugby in the off-season.  It'll actually help your football skills as great deal.  If you want to play, hook up with your college's team:

  11. I'd definitly give it a shot man but maybe try second five eight or centre (shirts 12 or 13). Being a running back you should be able to see the gap open up and have the size to recycle the ball, just make sure you have your D sorted cause they will run it at you all day otherwise. good luck man

  12. you definetly you could you have great pace and footwork and it wouldnt take long to learn the rules, although you would have to learn to defend. you would make an excellent centre of winger.

  13. Rugby League is a much easier and exciting game to play than union. Check this site out.

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