
Do you think i could really be adopted?

by  |  earlier

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i'm "supposed" to be 1/4th hispanic (mexican if you want to get technical), 1/16th japanese, and 11/16ths white. but i look completely white. and my dad has the entire single asian eyelid thing going on and I feel like i'm being lied to here. and my mom is blonde hair blue eyes.

i think i'm adopted. should i ask for a dna test? (this is a serious question. i'm really not sure they're my parents. maybe thats just wishful thinking)




  1. Holy ****.

    Your mom is hot, dude.

  2. I have no idea if you are adopted or not, but recessive genes play a factor in anything from skin, hair and eye colour to the shape of your earlobes!

    Traits can "skip" generations , so your colouring could be from grandparents, or a mix of all depending on the dominant/recessive genes.

    Your colouring doesn't mean you are adopted, and doesn't mean you are not either, if you are genuinely querying this then best thing to do is to ask your parents - though they might well be shocked if you aren't!

    The links below will give you a better explanation of genes and traits  :-)

  3. Hard to say, but if you were adopted, you were specifically chosen. Whatever the truth, those are your people. Love them as they have you.

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