
Do you think i could use a plastic container for sprouting seeds?

by  |  earlier

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it was previously used to contain almonds. The plastic says PET on the bottom. I'm just concerned with the plastic leeching from water being in the container.




  1. No, they will not sprout.  The plastic does something to the soil.  You can make little newspaper pots for seedlings, and these work great and can be planted right in the garden.  You can get instructions on the internet.

  2. yeah i think so

  3. You can sprout seeds on your counter top.  Or in a paper envelope.  OR on the back seat of your car. Some seeds sprout without any soil.

    Seeds don't care what container you put them in.

    I have a friend who has an entire vegetable garden in the back of his truck.  He grows everything in the plastic bags that the potting soil comes in.  He just cuts holes in the bags and sticks seeds and plants in it.

    Good luck with your garden.

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