
Do you think i do the right thing?

by Guest57967  |  earlier

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I hate when ppl get bullied and hassled and even for girls harrased. should i continue to stick up for them? what kind of rep would that give me? and advice or stories would help




  1. Yes. Continue sticking up for them. Eventually someone may return the favor. And you get to feel good about yourself.

  2. Stick up for the one that deserves to be stuck up for. Don't worry about your reputation, being a well-respected, good person matters more.

  3. Try not to care about your reputation. Following the morals and values which are instilled in you is more important. Be true to what you know to be right, and the pay off will be spiritual. I truly believe that what goes around comes around, and if you continue to do the right thing for the right reason, then good things will happen for you.

    I use to be bullied in Jr High, many years ago. One of the popular girls who was friends of the people that were bullying me stuck up for me on several occasions. She remained popular despite doing this, not like that should really matter. Nonetheless, it's been several years since that has happened, and I have never forgotten how she stuck up for me, and probably never will.

    Keep doing the right thing. The world needs more people like you.  

  4. keep standing up -- and you will be consider a hero!!!

  5. stick up for them. i got scared about how ppl would i see me and i regret not doing anything to this day. who cares what ppl think? would it reallly be bad to be known as the girl who cares about others? who helps someone who obviously needs help?

  6. kill all of them.

    this is Sparta! style.

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