
Do you think i have a eating disorder..??

by  |  earlier

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I worry about my weight all the time and i weigh myself at least 3 times a day. I walk lots of places as exercise and i constantly worry about how many calories are in what food. I get depressed when i weigh myself and i find out that i have put on a few pounds and i get really jealous of skinny people.

I dont usually eat during the day and most of my friends and family think that i dont eat anything. I worry about what i am going to eat next. My friends are starting to tell me that i am going to become anorexic and they all tell me that i am skinny enough. But i just dont see it.

If you are going to answer saying stuff like "your only asking this for attention" then dont even bother answering.




  1. yeah you sound like it, listen to your friends im sure theyre right...

    THESE are serious anorexics, and theyre not good looking at ALL, to guys or girls,1020,977739,... (sorry shes naked, you can only see b***s)

    and look at this pic, honestly? i think the girl in the mirrors body is better

    and im 106 lbs. im not anorexic or bulimic or anything like that its just how i am, and i get sick of my body! i hate it. i want more weight! lol. you can see my ribs and backbone its nasty but i cant help it i got sick for 3 months and cant gain the weight back. if you post a pic im sure a lot of people, no all the people (except for trolls) will tell you youre skinny and not to worry

  2. I would like for you to read --& share with your loved ones-- this set of articles:

    What Is Behind Eating Disorders? :

    - When Food Is Your Enemy

    - Anorexia and Bulimia --The Facts, the Dangers

    - What Causes Eating Disorders?

    - Eating Disorders--What Can Help?

  3. Erm don't listen to the first comment.  No matter how many vitamins you take, not eating can cause serious health risks, some of which being permanant e.g.:


    liver damage

    heart damage



    kidney damage

    a seriously bad immune system

    plus being really skinny is pretty ugly, the majority of guys prefer women with some curves.  You also get really bad skin and can get dark circles under your eyes.

    It's better just to eat healthily (2-3 proper meals a day)  and exercise a little 3 times a week.  Stop weighing youself and start thinking what's making you feel like you have so skinny and is it really worth risking your life for it.  Also, I know so many girls that have gone through anorexia at a young age and as soon as they got over it they starting putting on loads of weight really fast, anorexia really messes up your metabolism!

  4. I will have to say maybe you do have a problem but there is absolutely nothing wrong with managing your weight like that but you must put back those nutrients in your system.

    Eat foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals but contains less fat and calories also drink those nutritious supplements like ensure etc. or protein shakes.

    stay well :)

  5. no, not at all

  6. Your main fear here is lack of idione and vitamin B12. So long as you take vitamine supplements you can eat as little as you want. Oh, and decent ion balances, but those should be handled by mineral water and the western penchant for salty food.

    You can last a month without food, you can't last a week without ion intake.

    Just take vitamin tablets and salt tablets, and you can drop most of your calories instantly. You'll be looking like those horrific african starvation victims in NO TIME, and still be functionnally more healthy than many Americans. 'cept minus the flies and the scaling sun. Those are a whole other question.

  7. It sounds like you just are really insecure about yourself...I'm sure you are fine the way you are.  Oh, by the way, not eating enough can actually slow down your metabolism...So like, when you do eat, your body will not burn it, it'll store it as fat...

  8. Yup.. I guess you have eating disorder coz one of its symptoms are thinking that they too fat which is not or should i say a psychological thing. I think you should get help before it get worst.

  9. I think so....

    You should tell a Guidance counselor or a parent because this could get alot worse

  10. It sounds like you could have an eating disorder!

    Its very easy to get annoyed at your friends and family right now but bear in mind they have your interests at heart and are trying to help you.

    Try talking to your parents about it and see if you could receive proper medical help; weighing yourself that often and constant worry about calories is bad for your mental health, and anorexia usually leads to damaging your physical condition aswell.

    The sooner you do something about this the better!

    Best of luck!

  11. I suspect so.  You are focusing almost entirely on food all the time.

    I suffered from anorexia/bulimia for 7 years, it is not fun, and, believe me when I say that you do not look attractive.  I could not understand why no guy wanted to date me until, after I recovered, and saw a photo of myself, saw the face that looked like a skeleton the baggy clothing, it was disgusting.  I used to eat only at night, too, I would save up, and have something that I thought was really yummy just before I went to a reward for not eating during the day.

    No, you cannot see that you are skinny, that is the power of the disease, and no one can cure you, except a professional.  Your family, your friends will want to see you tucking into a Big MAC and fries to quickly see a weight gain, nobody can understand that this is not something that you can just do overnight.  I was certified and put into a hospital to, not drip feeding or any of those horror stories, and, really, it was a relief to be able to eat normally, and not to feel hungry...or guilty, since it was a doctor who was making me eat like this, not my nagging Mum, who wanted me to get to the same size as she was, so we could share clothes.

    Yes, you likely have an eating disorder, and it will eventually affect your muscles, including your heart (remember Karen Carpenter), and could leave you with a tendency toward Fibromyalgia, so, please do get help.

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