
Do you think i have a problem (Eating)?

by  |  earlier

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I don't like eating at all but i get really bad cravings and i just eat like a pig and then i feel so bad and i go into the bathroom and puke most of it out! and after that i take some laxatives...This is normal right??




  1. hahahahahaha thats funny  

    "This is normal right??"


  2. Sounds bulimic

    It's not normal and you should realize that by now.

  3. No. That is very dangerous.  You should get help with that.

  4. No, this is not normal and you should know that.

    Go see a doctor ASAP, if you're serious.

    It's not something to joke about.

  5. no that's bad your body needs food this all things that can happen if you keep doing it

    lose teeth

    lose hair

    tummy hurts more

    you have to p**p a lot

    and throw up

    some one gonad find out

  6. uhhh.... yeah that's normal... in opposite world.

  7. it is totally normal, if you want to die. by all means. keep eating and puking all you want love!  

  8. no. not normal at all.  

  9. there are people who seriously have a problem with that and a true bulimic person would not sit there and say what you are saying. they hide it and would do anything to keep it a secret. you are seeking attentiona and pity and its just discusting and pathetic.

  10. not its not normal, get help, before you do yourself damage, pleeeeease. good luck x*x

  11. that's attention seeking

  12. stop attention seeking  

  13. Hm, since you yourself have your doubts I'll guess you know this is an eating disorder called bulimia.

    The not wanting to eat part is normal, my friend is like that. she hates eating but does it to get energy. naturally shes very thin.

    But puking and taking laxatives is very distructive. Please buy a self help book on bulimia and over-eating disorder. That's how I got over it and it helped me immensly.

    If you keep on vomiting, your face will look like this:

    The acid kills your teeth and you will mess up your body badly. It will make you ugly in the long term so please stop.

    Email me if you want more help! I'm happy to talk to you some more.

  14. I love how people that ask stupid questions like this always have their listings set to private. Thanks for the 2 easy points!

  15. More like bulimic issues.

  16. no. puking out what you eat is called bulimia. that is when u eat then throw up your food.  don't take laxetives those are for people who need help pooping like people who are concttipated. just eat enough until ur full and stay active to keeep in shape

  17. oi fatty stop attention seeking

  18. yeah, that's really something to do with beauty and style innit

  19. You have an eating disorder, seek medical attention.(ask your doctor)

  20. you've got a serious problem!this is most certainly not normal!go see a shrink!!!

  21. no.. why ask i you already know it's not.. just so people will give you strong comments cause you have no life and find that humourous?

  22. its called bulimia or however its spelt and no its not normal, you need to go see your doctor

  23. Yes everyone does that.


  24. you have bulima, go to the doctors if you want it sorted out, if you start being sick with blood then stop straight away because thats harmful.

    i have an eating disorder. i used to be bulimic

  25. No this isn't normal try eating healthy foods when you have cravings then you wouldn't feel so bad and then you could be getting slimmer and being able to feel good about your self. Also try working out after a craving then you could lose the fat or calories your consuming work on a 2000 calorie a day diet. It helps and work out up to a hour a day. It will help

  26. if it was normal you wouldn't be asking whether it was normal or not it sounds like you have bulimia go and see a doctor if you carry on your teeth will rot and you'll have sores in your mouth from the acid in your sick

  27. don't be ridiculous. You clearly know that isn't normal and are just trying to get a reaction. Grow up!

  28. yes, stop attention seeking.

  29. no its not normal and you know it (otherwise u wouldnt question it....or ur seeking attention) its a psychological problem and you need to see someone about it.

  30. "this is normal right?"

    are you having a laugh?

    youre asking for attention and id thought someone like you would wanna save their points?

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