
Do you think i have learning disability?

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Everytime i read books i get headache and also when i think about something like assignment i get headache. Sometimes i forgot what i read.




  1. NO...just sounds like your bored...sorry.

  2. first-you need to go to an eye doctor-headaches are sign of an eyesight or lighting issue-not LD-

    everybody forgets sometimes-especially when they have a headache

  3. Oh goodness no, it's just that you don't like to do those things. I used to be like that and then I eventually grew out of it, but those things would give me the worst headaches and nausea ever...

  4. I doubt that those symptoms indicate a learning diability.  You could just need your eyes checked, or are just really anxious about assignments.  If I were you, I'd take notes when you read, then you could go over your own notes a few time.  I'd suggest handwriting the notes.  It gets processed further than typing notes in a word document or something similar.  I forget what I read all the time, and this has helped me.

  5. You could need glasses if your getting headaches from reading.  And if it happens with assignments it could be because you are stressing out already before you even start. As far a the forgetting take some note as you read that will help. Good luck but this all sounds "normal" not like someone that has a disability.

  6. One of the main parts of my job is evaluating students to determine if they have a learning disability. Your symptoms are not those we normally associate with a learning disability.  I would lean more towards theorizing that maybe you have anxiety related to reading and completing class work and this shows itself through physical symptoms like headaches, stomaches, tense muscles, etc.  Or it really could be poor eyesight.  No one can diagnose you from a paragraph nor should they-all we can do is speculate.

  7. No! You're just being lazy. I experience the same thing too. You just need to focus and condition yourself that you have to do something. Try giving yourself a reward after finishing something. It works for some people.

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