
Do you think i have phychic abilities?

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sorry if i spell some things wrong. i don't know if i have any phychic abilities. my family members have had some phychic abilities but i think it skipped my genaration. i may be a but only a tad bit and heres why: i will think of a song and then when i turn on the radio its playing and also when i was about 7 or 8 there was this show and it would say "what friend are we helping today?" (i know it sounds childish) and they would be behind the clouds and would give no description at all. my sister would see how many times in a row i got it right and i got it like 7 out of 9 times (i dont exactly remember how many times). but i have barely any more space so bye!




  1. Do you have psychic abilities?


  2. No such things as psychic. Move on.

  3. You are not psychic. Nobody is psychic.

  4. If you have psychic abilities you will know it. If you have to ask then chances are you do not. The examples you gave are not proof of any abilities an this happens to everyone.

    Now if you start feeling friends are in danger and war them and they avoid a incident from your advice then if it happens a lot I will say you may be psychic.  

  5. Here's how you find out.  Think of a song and then turn on the radio.  Do this 10 times.  If you get it right a few times, or everytime, then you definitely are doing something new.  Because psychic power would be new - many have claimed abilities, but no one has ever been able to show it.  Your ability might be the first actual proof of psychic power!  If it works, this guy will give you a million bucks for a quick demo.

  6. If you are listening to a pop music radio station, then they will keep playing the top 20 songs of the week or a pre-recorded audio tape.

    That may be why you are able to pick out the song.

  7. I didn't even read your details. If you are a psychic, you will know!

    If you have doubts, then you either are not psychic or you are not tuned in to it. Meditate

    Add: To the person who answered below me. There are different types of abilities. That's why psychic's are branched into 2 categories, clairovoyant & medium

  8. I am thinking of my answer should be getting it.  Lemmeno!

  9. Probably just a coincidence. I always have that when you just randomly think of a song and it comes on. I don't think it is coincidence!

  10. Stick to your fairies, at least they are cute, thinking you have an ability that has never proved to be real when properly tested is not such a good idea.

  11. It's possible but work hard in school now so you find a good job  if you don't.

  12. I think everyone is psychic. If even a little.

    It definatly sounds like you are a "tad" psychic. So in short, yes, you have psychic abilities. You can also increase your psychic abilities if you wish. My friend is in that boat, she is actually getting pretty good.

  13. It sounds like some kind of near future clairvoyancy. I would recommend going on a game show like deal or no deal. also,

    don't get an MP3 player, just think of what you wanna listen to.

    Remember, each gift is unique. just because your gift isnt the same or as potent as your parents dosnt mean yours is weaker. You just have to find the right application.

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