
Do you think i may have PCOS?

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Hey ladies I am 20 years old and may have PCOS. I went to the doctor and she ran some test and I will go for my results sometime next week. I don't have any of the symptoms except for the irregular periods. any words of wisdom? I want to have a child some day and now that my best friend is pregnant and me knowing that I possibly won't be able to give my finance a child is driving me crazy!




  1. Hey!

    I was 20 when I was diagnosed with PCOS...  I also only had irregular periods. I had small cysts on my right ovary which were discovered via ultrasound.

    I was also really concerned regarding my ability to conceive, but after lots of research (there is tons of info out there for PCOS'ers) I have realized it is possible, it may take longer to conceive.. but it is very positive that you can conceive...

    Good Luck, and be positive.. it isn't the worst thing to have...

  2. Most women with PCOS can get pregnant with the right treatment. Don't worry ahead of time. I would recommend getting on the pill to regulate your periods for now.

  3. You could have PCOS.  I do not recommend the pill, in fact I strongly advise not doing anything with hormones.  Plan early because it could take longer with PCOS to conceive.  I suggest optimal ttc with PCOS is between the ages of 22-25, most definately before 30 even 28.

    I do have 3 kids, 7 pregnancies, 4 losses it took me 12 years to get my kids.  Fortunately for you, if you have PCOS there is more info out there, so success will be more quickly.  My pregnancy losses are known.  1 ectopic, 1 from low progesterone easily corrected with progesterone supplements, 1 from blood clotting disorder easily corrected with baby aspirin, and 1 blighted ovum.  2 of these today should be able to have been avoided with a decent doctor.

  4. See what your test results show first, then if you think you are having problems conceiving, go to a fertility specialist when you are ready to have a baby.  

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